Instruções de Operação Briggs & Stratton, Modelo 125600
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PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 27 691866 Lock.Piston Pin 78 691108 Screw 130 691203 Valve.Throttle 28 499423 Pin.Piston (Flywheel Guard) ....... Note ..... 29 499424 Rod.Connecting 83 691778 Shaft.Auxiliary Drive 696564 Valve.Throttle 32 691664 Screw ....... Note ..... (Used With Plastic (Connecting Rod) 690524 Shaft.Auxiliary Throttle Shaft) 32A 695759 Screw Drive 133 398187 Float.Carburetor (Connecting Rod) Used on Type No(s). 134 398188 Kit.Needle/Seat (Used After Code Date 0112, 0128. 137 693981 Gasket.Float Bowl 00042200). 690522 Shaft.Auxiliary 146 690979 Key.Timing 33 499642 Valve.Exhaust Drive 163A692667 Gasket.Air Cleaner 34 499641 Valve.Intake Used on Type No(s). 187 791766 Line.Fuel 35 691304 Spring.Valve 0144, 0157. (Cut to Required(Intake) 95 691636 Screw Length) 36 691304 Spring.Valve (Throttle Valve) 188 691147 Screw (Exhaust) 97 499682 Shaft.Throttle (Control Bracket) 37 694086 Guard.Flywheel 40 692194 Retainer.Valve 43 691997 Slinger.Governor/Oil 43A 692505 Slinger.Governor/Oil Used on Type No(s). 0142. 45 690977 Tappet.Valve 46 694039 Camshaft 46A 694037 Camshaft (Counterclockwise) 46B 694040 Camshaft Used on Type No(s). 0142. 51.692668 Gasket.Intake (Metal) ....... Note ..... 790121 Shaft.Throttle (Plastic) 101 691623 Pin.Shaft 104 691242 Pin.Float Hinge 117 498981 Jet.Main (Standard) (Used After Code Date 03110600). ....... Note ..... 498978 Jet.Main (Standard) (Used Before Code 190 690940 192 694543 202 691303 209A 691291 Screw (Fuel Tank) Adjuster.Rocker Arm Link.Mechanical Governor Spring.Governor ....... Note ..... 691851 Spring. Governor Used on Type No(s). 0100, 0117, 0142, 0145, 0147. 690319 Spring. 51A.697735 Gasket.Intake Date 03110700). Governor 51B.692555 Gasket.Intake 118 497466 Jet.Main Used on Type No(s). 55 691421 Housing.Rewind (High Altitude) 0118, 0133, 0157, Starter (Used After Code Date 0158. 58 697316 Rope.Starter 03110600). 691292 Spring. (Cut To Required ....... Note ..... Governor Length) 498975 Jet.Main Used on Type No(s). 60 281434S Grip.Starter Rope (High Altitude) 0123, 0163. 65 690837 Screw (Used Before Code (Rewind Starter) Date 03110700). 73 691222 Screen.Rotating 121 792383 Kit.Carburetor ....... Note ..... Overhaul 691221 Screen. 122.692799 Spacer.Carburetor Rotating 122A 792382 Spacer.Carburetor Used on Type No(s). 125 790120 Carburetor 0148. 127 694468 Plug.Welch . Included in Engine Gasket Set.Ref. No.358. . Included in Carburetor Gasket Set.Ref. No. 977. . Included in Carburetor Overhaul Kit.Ref. No. 121. . Included in Valve Gasket Set.Ref. No 1095. Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 6537.10 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 05/28/2008 10 125600 REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 222A 792402 Bracket.Control 287 690940 Screw 337 692051 Plug.Spark (Used After Code Date (Dipstick Tube) (Resistor) 05110100). 300 694248 Muffler ....... Note ..... ....... Note ..... 300B 699769 Muffler 692720 Plug.Spark 693378 Bracket. 304 499676 Housing.Blower (EMS) Control ....... Note ..... 356 692390 Wire.Stop (Used Before Code 499677 Housing. 356B 692151 Wire.Stop Date 05110200). Blower 357 692191 Key.Drive Pulley 222B 792403 Bracket.Control Used on Type No(s). 358 792384 Gasket Set.Engine (Used After Code Date 0105, 0115, 0119, 363 19069 Puller.Flywheel 05110100). 0126, 0133, 0134, 365 691129 Screw Used on Type No(s). 0140, 0142, 0144, (Carburetor) 0100, 0105, 0118, 0157, 0158, 0161, (Used After Code Date 0119, 0134, 0142, 0162, 0164. 05110100). 0144, 0157, 0158, 695976 Housing. ....... Note ..... 0161, 0162, 0164. Blower 691136 Screw 227 691467 ....... Note ..... 692672 Bracket. Control (Used Before Code Date 05110200). Used on Type No(s). 0100, 0105, 0118, 0119, 0134, 0142, 0144, 0157, 0158, 0161, 0162. Lever.Governor 305 691108 (Used After Code Date 06081300). Used on Type No(s). 0123, 0163. 499677 Housing. Blower (Used Before Code Date 06081400). Used on Type No(s). 0123. Screw (Blower Housing) 374 691074 383 19374S 404 690272 425 690670 443 692523 (Carburetor) (Used Before Code Date 05110200). Washer (Camshaft) Wrench.Spark Plug Washer (Governor Crank) Screw (Air Cleaner Cover) Screw Control 306 691232 Shield.Cylinder (Air Cleaner Primer 238 691300 Cap.Valve 307 690345 Screw Base) 265 690798 Clamp.Casing (Cylinder Shield) 443A 691637 Screw 265A 691024 Clamp.Casing 309 695550 Motor.Starter (Air Cleaner Primer 267 691044 Screw (Used Before Code Base) (Casing Clamp) Date 07052900). 445 491588S Filter.Air Cleaner 268 691025 Casing.Control Wire 309A 795092 Motor.Starter Cartridge (Cut To Required (Used After Code Date 455 791960 Cup.Flywheel Length) 07052800). 456 692299 Plate.Pawl Friction 269 691026 Wire.Control 310 692327 Bolt 459 281505S Ratchet.Pawl (Cut To Required (Starter Motor) 474A 695730 Alternator Length) 332 690662 Nut 505 691251 Nut 270 691027 Nut (Fly...
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