5572--4 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 11/24/2008 4 914 53 654 337 635 13 383 798 42 192 1022 1100 1029 7 36 35 33 34 868 798 5A 883 1022 1100 1029 7 36 35 33 34 868 5 42 192 1023A 1023 1022 883 1022 1026 45 1026A 918 918 46 45 50A 929 212 163 54 617 186 617 617 54 122A 50 51 51E 51E 51 51A Not for Reproduction 40F700 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5572--5 Assemblies include all parts shown in