Facilidade de uso
• COMMANDS: (Fig.16) LUMINOUS the key symbols are explained below: A = LIGHT B = OFF C = SPEED I D = SPEED II E = SPEED III F = AUTOMATIC STOP TIMER - 15 minutes (*) • If your appliance does not have the INTENSIVE speed function, press key E for two seconds and it will be activated for 10 minutes after which it will return to the previously set speed. When the function is active the LED flashes. To interrupt it before the 10 minutes have expired press key E again. • By pressing key F for two seconds (with the hood switched off) the “clean air” function is activated. This function switches the appliance on for ten minutes every hour at the first speed. As soon as this function is activated the motor starts up at the first speed for ten minutes, During this time key F and key C must flash at the same time. After ten minutes the motor switches off and the LED of key F remains switched on with a fixed light until the motor starts up again at the first speed after fifty minutes and keys F and C start to flash again for ten minutes and so on. By pressing any key for the exclusion of the hood light the hood will return immediately to its normal functioning (e.g. if key D is pressed the “clean air” function is deactivated and the motor moves to the 2nd speed straight away. By pressing key B the function is deactivated). (*) The “automatic stop timer” delays stopping of the hood, which will continue functioning for 15 minutes at the operating speed set at the time this function is activated. • Active carbon/grease filter saturation: - When button A flashes at a frequency of 2 seconds, the grease filters must be cleaned. - When button A flashes at a frequency of 0.5 seconds, the carbon filters must be replaced. After the clean filter has been replaced, the electronic memory must be reset by pressing button A for approximately 5 seconds, until the light on the button stops flashing. THE MANUFACTURER DECLINES ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR EVENTUAL DAMAGES CAUSED BY BREACHING THE ABOVE WARNINGS. CESKY POLSC POLSC CZ UVOD’ Prectete si pozorne obsah navodu, protoze poskytuje dulezite informace tykajici se bezpecne instalace, pouzivani i udrzby zarizeni. Uchovejte si navod pro jakoukoliv budouci potrebu. Pristroj je urcen k odsavani (odvadeni vzduchu ven – obr.1B), filtrovani (recyklace vzduchu v mistnosti – obr.1A) nebo k pouziti s externe umistenym motorem (obr.1C). BEZPECNOSTNI OPATRENI 1. Vyzaduje se opatrnost, jestlize jsou soucasne v cinnosti odsavac par a jiny horak nebo tepelne zarizeni zavisejici na vzduchu mistnosti a napajene jinou energii nez elektrickou, protoze odsavac par spotrebovava vzduch z okoli, ktery horak nebo jine tepelne zarizeni potrebuji ke spalovani. Negativni tlak nesmi prekrocit 4Pa (4x10–5 bar). K bezpecnemu provozu je tedy nutna odpovidajici ventilace mistnosti. Pri odvadeni vzduchu do vnejsiho prostredi je nutne se ridit platnymi predpisy Vasi zeme. Pred napojenim modelu na elektrickou sit: - Zkontrolujte tabulku s udaji umistenou uvnitr pristroje a overte si, ze napeti a vykon odpovidaji mistni siti a rovnez zasuvka je vhodna. V pripade jakekoliv pochyby se poradte s kvalifikovanym elektrikarem. - Je-li napajeci kabel poskozen, musi byt nahrazen specialnim kabelem nebo sadou, ktere jsou k dispozici u vyrobce nebo v jeho servisnim stredisku. 2. UPOZORNENI ! Za urcitych okolnosti mohou byt elektricke spotrebice nebezpecne. A) Neprovadejte kontrolu filtru se zapnutym spotrebicem B) Nedotykejte se zarovek a prostoru kolem nich behem uziti nebo ihned po dlouhodobem uziti osvetlovaciho zarizeni. C) Nedotykejte se zarovek, bylo-li zarizeni dele v chodu D) Je zakazano upravovat pokrmy manipuli primeho ohne pod fungujicim odsavacem E) Vyvarujte se volnemu plameni, je skodlivy pro filtry a mohl by zpusobit pozar F) Pri smazeni jidel zajistete, aby se rozpaleny olej nevznitil G) Zarizeni nebylo navrzeno pro pouziti detmi nebo nesvepravnymi osobami bez dozoru. H) Zkontrolujte, zda si deti nehraji se zarizenim. I) Pred provedenim jakekoliv udrzby vypnete pristroj z elektricke site. Toto zarizeni je oznaceno v souladu s Evropskou smernici 2002/96/ES, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). Tim, ze se uzivatel ujisti o spravne likvidaci tohoto vyrobku, prispiva k predchazeni pripadnym negativnim nasledkum na zivotni prostredi a na zdravi. Symbol na vyrobku nebo na prilozene dokumentaci poukazuje na to, ze se s timto vyrobkem nesmi zachazet jako s beznym domovnim odpadem, ale musi se odeslat do vhodne sberny urcene pro recyklaci elektrickych a elektronickych zarizeni. Zarizeni se musite zbavit v souladu s mistnimi predpisy pro likvidaci odpadu. Podrobnejsi informace o zachazeni s timto vyrobkem, jeho opetovnym pouzitim a recyklaci muzete ziskat, kdyz se obratite na prislusny mistni urad, sbernou sluzbu domovniho odpadu nebo obchod, ve kterem jste vyrobek zakoupili. NAVOD K INSTALACI Operace spojene s montazi a elektricka napojeni musi byt provedeny pouze odbornym personalem. • Elektricke zapojeni Zarize...
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