Facilidade de uso
.N. . Fridge-freezer Sogutucu/ Dondurucu kombine cihaz.Холодильно- морозильнаякомбинацияen Instruction for Use tr Kullanma k.lavuzu ru Инcтpyкцияпo экcплyaтaцииKD. .N. . Fridge-freezer Sogutucu/ Dondurucu kombine cihaz.Холодильно- морозильнаякомбинация en Table of Contents Safety and warning information ............ 4 Information concerning disposal .......... 6 Scope of delivery .................................... 6 Ambient temperature and ventilation .. 7 Connecting the appliance ..................... 7 Getting to know your appliance ........... 8 Switching on the appliance ................... 9 Setting the temperature ......................... 9 Alarm function ...................................... 10 Usable capacity .................................... 10 Refrigerator compartment .................. 11 Super cooling ....................................... 12 Freezer compartment .......................... 12 Max. freezing capacity ........................ 13 Freezing and storing food .................. 13 Freezing fresh food .......... ................... 13 Super freezing ................... ................... 14 Thawing frozen food ......... ................... 15 Interior fittings .................... ................... 15 Switching off and disconnecting the appliance ..................... ................... 16 Defrosting ........................... ................... 16 Cleaning the appliance .... ................... 16 Light ( LED) ......................... ................... 17 Tips for saving energy ..... ................... 17 Operating noises .............. ................... 17 Eliminating minor faults yourself ....... 18 Customer service .............. ................... 21 tr Icindekiler Guvenlik ve ikaz bilgileri ..................... 22 Giderme bilgileri ................................... 24 Teslimat kapsam. ................................. 25 Mekan s.cakl.g.na ve havaland.rmaya dikkat edilmelidir .................................. 25 Cihaz.n elektrik sebekesine baglanmas. ............................................ 26 Cihaz ozelliklerinin ogrenilmesi ......... 26 Cihaz.n devreye sokulmas. ................ 27 S.cakl.k derecesinin ayarlanmas. ...... 28 Alarm fonksiyonu ................................. 28 Kullan.labilen hacim ............................. 29 Sogutucu bolmesi ................................ 30 Super sogutma ..................................... 31 Dondurucu bolmesi ............................. 31 Azami dondurma kapasitesi .............. 32 Besinlerin dondurulmas. ve depolanmas. ................. ................... 32 Taze besinlerin dondurulmas. ........... 32 Super dondurma ............... ................... 33 Dondurulmus besinlerin buzunun cozulmesi ........................... ................... 34 Donan.m ............................. ................... 34 Cihaz.n kapat.lmas., cihaz.n tamamen kapat.lmas. ....... ................... 35 Cihaz.n buzunun cozulmesi ............... 35 Cihaz.n temizlenmesi ....... ................... 35 Ayd.nlatma ( LED) .............. ................... 36 Enerji tasarrufu .................. ................... 36 Cal.sma sesleri .................. ................... 37 Basit hatalar. kendiniz giderebilirsiniz .................... ................... 38 Yetkili servis ....................... ................... 41 ru Coдepжaниe Укaзaния пo бeзoпacнocти ипpeдyпpeждeния .............................. 42 Укaзaния пo yтилизaции ................... 44 Oбъeм пocтaвки .................................. 45 Teмпepaтypa oкpyжaющeй cpeды ивeнтиляция ........................... 46 Подключение бытового прибора ... 47 Знакомство бытовым прибором .48 Включение бытового прибора ....... 49 Уcтaнoвкa тeмпepaтypы .................... 50 Предупредительная функция .......... 51 Пoлeзный oбъeм ................................. 52 Xoлoдильнoe oтдeлeниe ................... 53 Cyпepoxлaждeниe .............................. 54 Mopoзильнoe oтдeлeниe .................. 55 Maкc. пpoизвoдитeльнocть зaмopaживaния ................................... 55 Зaмopaживaниe и xpaнeниe пpoдyктoв .......................... ................... 55 Зaмopaживaниe cвeжиx пpoдyктoв питaния .......... ................... 56 Cyпepзaмopaживaниe .... ................... 57 Paзмopaживaниe пpoдyктoв ............ 58 Cпeциaльнoe ocнaщeниe ................. 58 Bыключeниe прибора ивывoд eгo из экcплyaтaции ....... ................... 59 Paзмopaживaниe ............. ................... 59 Чистка прибора ............... ................... 60 Ocвeщeниe ( нa cвeтoдиoдax) .......... 61 Kaк cэкoнoмить элeктpoэнepгию .. 61 Paбoчиe шyмы .................. ................... 62 Caмocтoятeльнoe ycтpaнeниe мeлкиx нeиcпpaвнocтeй ................... 63 Cлyжбa cepвиca .............. ................... 67 en Safety and warning information Before you switch ON the appliance Please read the operating and installation instructions carefully! They contain important information on how to install, use...
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