Facilidade de uso
Installation Guide (continued)
Power Lead
If your car has a radio or is pre-wired for one :
Important: Connect the red power lead last, after
Cut the connector wires one at a time from the plug
you have made and insulated all other connections.
(leaving the leads as long as possible) so that you
can work with individual leads. Turn the ignition on
to the accessory position, and ground one lead of
the test bulb to the chassis.
Connect the black ground lead of the power connec-
tor to the metal car chassis.
Connect the yellow battery lead to the correct radio
wire or to the battery fuse port on the fuse block.
Touch the other lead of the test bulb to each of the
exposed wires from the cut radio connector plug.
Touch one wire at a time until you find the outlet that
Connect any optional equipment such as an DVD
causes the test bulb to light.
video player according to the instructions furnished
with the equipment. Read the operating and installa-
Now turn the ignition off and then on. If the bulb also
tion instructions of any equipment you will connect
turns off and on, that outlet is the car power lead.
to this unit.
If your car is not wired for an audio unit :
Go to the fuse block and find the fuse port for
Connect the red power lead to the correct car radio
accessory (ACC) or ignition (IGN).
wire or to the appropriate fuse port on the fuse
Battery Lead
If the LCD monitor functions properly with all these
If your stereo unit has a yellow lead, you will need to
connections made, disconnect the wires and pro-
locate the car's battery lead. Otherwise you may
ceed to the final installation.
ignore this procedure. (The yellow battery lead pro-
vides continuous power to maintain a clock, memory
❏ Final Installation
storage, or other functions.)
Lead Connections
If your car has a radio or is pre-wired for one:
Connect all wires, making sure that each connection
With the ignition and headlights off, identify the car
is insulated and secure. Bundle all loose wires and
battery lead by grounding one lead of the test bulb
fasten them with tape so they won't fall down later.
to the chassis and checking the remaining exposed
Now insert the LCD monitor into the mounting collar.
wires from the cut radio connector plug.
Congratulations! After making a few final checks,
If your car is not wired for an audio unit :
you’re ready to enjoy your new LCD monitor.
Go to the fuse block and find the fuse port for the
battery, usually marked BAT.
❏ Final Checks
1. Make sure that all wires are properly connect-
❏ Connect All Leads
ed and insulated.
Now that you have identified all the wires in the car,
2. Make sure that the LCD monitor is securely
you're ready to begin connecting them to the LCD
held in the mounting collar.
monitor wires. The connection diagram (B page
3. Turn on the ignition to check the unit for prop-
42) shows the proper connections and color coding
er operation.
of the leads.
We strongly recommend that you test the unit
If you have difficulties, consult your nearest autho-
before making a final installation.
rized professional installer for assistance.
You can set the unit on the floor and make tempo-
rary connections to test the unit. Use electrical tape
to cover all exposed wires.