por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
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• LCD Aspect: a kepmeret modositasa. A X/x gombbal a „Normal”, a „Full” vagy a „Zoom” beallitas kozul valaszthat.*1 (Sticky Note comment Prinect Color Editor: Indeterminate Page is color controlled with Prinect Color Editor: 3.0.96 Copyright 2005 Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG You can view actual document colors and color spaces, with the free Color Editor (Viewer), a Plug-In from the Prinect PDF Toolbox. Please request a PDF Toolbox CD from your local Heidelberg office in order to install it on your computer. Applied Color Management Settings: Output Intent (Press Profile): FOGRA39 gray.icc RGB Image: Profile: sRGB_hdm.icc Rendering Intent: Perceptual Black Point Compensation: no RGB Graphic: Profile: sRGB_hdm.icc Rendering Intent: Perceptual Black Point Compensation: no CMYK Image: Profile: ISOcoated_v2_eci.icc Rendering Intent: Relative Colorimetric Black Point Compensation: no Preserve Black: no CMYK Graphic: Profile: ISOcoated_v2_eci.icc Rendering Intent: Relative Colorimetric Black Point Compensation: no Preserve Black: no Device Independent RGB/Lab Image: Rendering Intent: Perceptual Black Point Compensation: no Device Independent RGB/Lab Graphic: Rendering Intent: Perceptual Black Point Compensation: no Device Independent CMYK/Gray Image: Rendering Intent: Perceptual Black Point Compensation: no Device Independent CMYK/Gray Graphic: Rendering Intent: Perceptual Black Point Compensation: no Turn R=G=B (Tolerance 2.0%) Graphic into Gray: yes Turn C=M=Y,K=0 (Tolerance 0.1%) Graphic into Gray: no CMM for overprinting CMYK graphic: yes Gray Image: Apply CMYK Profile: no Gray Graphic: Apply CMYK Profile: no Treat Calibrated RGB as Device RGB: no Treat Calibrated Gray as Device Gray: yes Remove embedded non-CMYK Profiles: no Remove embedded CMYK Profiles: yes Applied Miscellaneous Settings: All Colors to knockout: yes Pure black to overprint: no Turn Overprint CMYK White to Knockout: yes Turn Overprinting Device Gray to K: yes CMYK Overprint mode: OPM1 (overprint in CMYK enabled) Create "All" from 4x100% CMYK: yes Delete "All" Colors: no Convert "All" to K: yes ) • Backlight: a C/c vagy a VOL +/– gombbal modosithatja az LCDkepernyo fenyerejet.*2 • Contrast: a C/c vagy a VOL +/– gombbal beallithatja a sotet es a vilagos reszek kozotti kulonbseget.*2 • Hue: a C/c vagy a VOL +/– gombbal modosithatja a voros es a zold szinegyensulyt.*2 • Color: a C/c vagy a VOL +/– gombbal beallithatja a szintelitettseget.*2 • Default: a parameterek visszaallitasa a gyari ertekre. 4 Nyomja meg az ENTER gombot. *1 „Normal” beallitas eseten a kepek megorzik eredeti formatumukat, keparanyukat. 4:3 keparanyu musor megjelenitesekor a kepernyo ket oldalan fekete sav lathato. A „letterbox” formatumu 4:3 keparanyu musornal a kepernyo minden oldalan fekete sav jelenik meg. „Full” beallitas eseten a 16:9 keparanyu musor a teljes kepernyot kitolti. A 16:9 keparanyu felvetel az eredeti elrendezes szerint jelenik meg. (A 16:9 keparanyu musorban lathato fekete sav nem tuntetheto el.) A 4:3 keparanyu musor megnyujtva jelenik meg. „Zoom” beallitas eseten a 4:3 aranyu kepet teljes szelessegben jeleniti meg a keszulek. A kep felso es also teruleteit kismertekben levagasra kerulnek. *2 Egyszer vagy tobbszor roviden kell megerinteni a lejatszo + vagy – gombjat. A beallitas ugy is lehetseges, hogy az erintocsuszkan vegighuzza az ujjat. A VOL +/– gomb hasznalatat lasd az 5. oldalon. A valasztomenu kikapcsolasa Nyomja meg az OPTIONS vagy ketszer a RETURN gombot. b A valaszthato kepernyomodok a pillanatnyi lemeztol fuggoen elterhetnek. AlapbeallitasokAlapbeallitasok Az alapbeallitasok 3 A X/x gombbal valasszon kategoriat es nyomja meg az ENTER gombot. : General Setup (21. oldal) A lejatszora vonatkozo beallitasok. menuje Az alapbeallitasok menujeben valtozatos beallitasokat vegezhet el, pl. a kep- es hangminoseg beallitasat stb. A lemezen tarolt beallitasok elsobbseget elvezhetnek a felhasznaloi beallitasokkal szemben. CHARGEPOWER OPTIONSDISPLAY RETURNMENUVO L RETURN C/X/x/c ENTER OPTIONS : Audio Setup (22. oldal) A hang beallitasa a lejatszasi korulmenyeknek megfeleloen. : Language Setup (22. oldal) A kepernyomenu es a musorok nyelvenek beallitasa. : Parental Control (23. oldal) A szuloi felugyelet beallitasa. 4 A X/x gombbal valasszon egy beallitast es nyomja meg az ENTER gombot. (Sticky Note comment Prinect Color Editor: Indeterminate Page is color controlled with Prinect Color Editor: 3.0.96 Copyright 2005 Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG You can view actual document colors and color spaces, with the free Color Editor (Viewer), a Plug-In from the Prinect PDF Toolbox. Please request a PDF Toolbox CD from your local Heidelberg office in order to install it on your computer. Applied Color Management Settings: Output Intent (Press Profile): FOGRA39 gray.icc RGB Image: Profile: sRGB_hdm.icc Rendering Intent: Perceptual Black Point Compensation: no RGB Graphic: Profile: sRGB_hdm.icc Rendering Intent: Pe...