Assessments - 4, GPA: 4.3 ( )

Instruções de Operação Ashly, Modelo SC33

Fabricante : Ashly
Arquivo Tamanho: 205.95 kb
Arquivo Nome : 33242260-7196-431c-a8a7-a678df119046.pdf
Língua de Ensino: en
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** "Wff*n“£ HW ''■H- -> fW W—v-*« Mj—-™. | 50-rtm ■ O 0 O' O' f?’ O' O o V-iowwta--—-''■-@ïè™>-I v e gain ot t^e vCA Use o* o VCA os □ gam control element provides several advantages in a n&se gate. including tupe-riof ai,dio fldel'iy, accurate trackind of fwoot more units Ned for stereo operation, and o+feck/releaie speeds much faster than those oossiple with optically coupled devices ¡"he lAshly VCA used in (he SCI 53 is a Cfass-A device exhibiting exfremeiy low distortion, io^ nose low control voitoge feedthrough (tufh-01% dick). Ond excellent thermal stobility ihy c^ted or circuji encompasses nil of the front-panel controls and generate a control voitoge which gives the SC-53 ¡is turn-on and turn-off ctrar-actenstics Tnrough the use of unusually '-vde-range lime conslunt colions ana a uniouo dual release-time circuit, □ great variety of goting effects con be octnevec. A veiy fust (10 microsecond) attack time insures that the loading edge of fast transient material such as snore drums wW never t>e lost, and »he fode ccntrc* offers s^nc-oFM. linear ratfe times of up to 30 soconds. Tho hold control offers a "wait before fading ' opi ion to prevent pfematufe initiation oF lhe fade cycle, useful when process-ng materia: that contains ncrtu-'dt pduSSS, Such QJ Sp№Ch OflO instrumenia! solos 'he threshold range is greater ihor 6G dBr making the SC-33 usefut for both pfotessonol and semi-pro signal leve s. Othei thoughtful tontures include detector svmfnet^v to within dB. o tiyjteres s circuit loaosolutely orevent chattering near threshold, high siew-rate circuitry ihjoughiout. active balanced inputs, and a 1A gauge ^tool chos^is. SPECJFICAÏIONS: FRfQUÎNCY SESPOUSE THO. 20-20 WHt, -10 40V per micruucorut -40 ilQV lo 20 d6V AHatk lime (pur 40 d& gain inerwrt} 10 mlct«№ondt to Î0 s«OTKtj Hold rime 40 mil Hsecondt lo -12 seconds f acte 11 me (per 40 dS gam decreo*) Noise Attenuation {FloorJ Input Impedance Ouipjl Impedance ADCftlOMAt FiMLlRtS 15 miilisecordï lo J0 seconds a de 10 75 œ 10k 11 Balanced Bnüging ÎAdIlve) lOOii . terminale whti iOD il or greclet Key Input, iwllcJi seJeçlqpte Nou« Gaie svpoh swltch Stereo interconr^ct via reor panel jûCllé LéD ThiesJiold Indlcatoi...

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