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All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Use of the “keyboard” Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Apple may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. Apple is not responsible for printing or clerical errors. Apple 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 408-996-1010 Apple, the Apple logo, AirPort, Expose, FireWire, Mac, Macintosh, the Mac logo, and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Finder and the FireWire logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. AppleCare, and Apple Store are service marks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Apple is under license. Intel, Intel Core, and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corp. in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective companies. Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these products. Simultaneously published in the United States and Canada. 019-1973/2010-11 Contents 5 Chapter 1: Overview and Requirements 7 Overview of Server Diagnostics Configurations 9 Requirements 9 General Requirements 9 Storage Device Requirements 10 Local and Remote Requirements 10 NetBoot Server Requirements 11 Chapter 2: Setup and Installation 11 Setting Up a Storage Device for Server Diagnostics Installation 13 Installing Server Diagnostics EFI 14 Restoring Server Diagnostics EFI 14 Installing Server Diagnostics Mac OS X 16 Setting Up a NetBoot Server 18 Deleting the Server Diagnostics NetBoot Image 19 Chapter 3: Starting Up Server Diagnostics 19 Changing the Startup Disk 20 Changing the Startup Disk in System Preferences 20 Changing the Startup Disk Using the Command-Line Interface 21 Changing the Startup Disk Using Apple Remote Desktop 21 Changing the Startup Disk Temporarily at Startup 22 Disabling the Firmware Password 24 Chapter 4: Using Server Diagnostics 24 Setting Server Diagnostics to Host, Client, or Local Mode 25 Remotely Testing a Client Server 27 Testing the Local Server Using Server Diagnostics EFI 27 Testing the Local Server Using Server Diagnostics Mac OS X 28 Using Server Diagnostics EFI 29 Customizing Server Diagnostics EFI Test Settings 30 Clearing the Test Log 30 Viewing the Hardware Profile 30 Shutting Down or Restarting the Server 30 Viewing Saved Logs 31 Taking Screenshots 31 Using Server Diagnostics Mac OS X 32 Customizing Server Diagnostics Mac OS X Test Settings 33 Working with Test Groups 34 Viewing Logs 35 Setting Log Preferences 36 Shutting Down or Restarting the Server 36 Quitting Server Diagnostics Mac OS X While a Test Is Running 37 Appendix: Server Diagnostics Test Reference 37 Comparison of Available Tests 38 Server Diagnostics EFI Tests 38 Startup Tests 39 AirPort Tests 39 Ethernet Controller Tests 40 Hard Drive Tests 40 Memory Tests 43 Power Supply Tests 43 Processor Tests 43 Sensor Tests 43 SMC PID Sensor Tests 43 USB Tests 44 Server Diagnostics Mac OS X Tests 44 Startup Tests 44 AirPort Tests 45 Bluetooth Tests 45 Ethernet Controller Tests 46 Hard Drive Tests 47 Sensor Tests 47 SMC PID Sensor Tests 48 USB Tests 48 Video Controller Tests Contents Overview and Requirements 1 Apple Server Diagnostics tests your server for hardware issues. Apple Server Diagnostics, also referred to as Server Diagnostics, runs a customizable set of tests to help you diagnose issues with the following components: A AirPort A Bluetooth® A Boot ROM A Ethernet controller A Fan A Hard drive A Memory A Processor A Sensor A USB ports A Video controller You can run Apple Server Diagnostics in Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI), which is referred to as Server Diagnostics EFI, or in Mac OS X Server, which is referred to as Server Diagnostics Mac OS X. By running Server Diagnostics EFI, you can diagnose hardware issues that prevent Mac OS X Server from successfully starting up. You can also run tests without interference from Mac OS X Server. However, Server Diagnostics Mac OS X provides an enhanced interface and has more extensive sensor, hard drive, and video controller tests. For a comparison and description of available tests, see “Server Diagnostics Test Reference” on page 37. You can test the server by running Server Diagnostics on the server. You can also run Server Diagnostics remotely on a computer with a network connection to the server. Note: This guide describes how to use Apple Server Diagnos...