Facilidade de uso
When used with other options or operands, an error occurs. -l Lists firmware image files that are still on the XSCF unit, then exits. -n Automatically answers "n" (no) to all prompts. -p proxy Specifies the proxy server to be used for transfers. The default transfer type is http, unless modified using the -t proxy_type option. The value for proxy must be in the format servername: port. (Refer to Example 3.) -q Suppresses all messages to stdout, including prompts. -t proxy_type Used with the -p option to specify the type of proxy. Possible values for proxy_type are: http, socks4, and socks5. The default value is http. -u user Specifies the user name when logging in to a remote ftp or http server that requires authentication. You will be prompted for a password. -v Displays verbose output. This may be helpful when diagnosing network or server problems. -y Automatically answers "y" (yes) to all prompts. System Administration 73 getflashimage(8) OPERANDS EXAMPLES The following operands are supported: url Specifies the URL of the firmware image to download. Supported formats for this value include the following: https://server [: port ]/path/file ftp:// server [: port ]/path /file file:///media/usb_msd/path/file where the value for file is in one of the following formats: XCPvvvv.tar.gz IKXCPvvvv .tar.gz FFXCPvvvv .tar.gz DCXCPvvvv.tar.gz and vvvv is the four-character version number. EXAMPLE 1 Downloading a Version from an http Server xscf> getflashimage Existing versions: Version Size Date FFXCPl040.tar.gz 46827123 Wed Mar 14 19:11:40 2007 Warning: About to delete existing versions. Continue? [y|n]: y Removing FFXCP1040.tar.gz. 0MB received 1MB received 2MB received 43MB received 44MB received 45MB received 74 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised September 2008 getflashimage(8) Download successful: 46827KB at 1016.857KB/s Checking file... MD5: e619e6dd3 67c888507427e58cdb8e0a0 EXAMPLE 2 Downloading a Version from an ftp Server xscf> getflashimage ftp://imageserver/images/FFXCP1041.tar.gz Existing versions: Version Size Date FFXCPl040.tar.gz 46827123 Wed Mar 14 19:11:40 2007 Warning: About to delete existing versions. Continue? [y|n]: y Removing FFXCP1040.tar.gz. 0MB received 1MB received 2MB received 43MB received 44MB received 45MB received Download successful: 46827KB at 1016.857KB/s Checking file... MD5: e619e6dd3 67c888507427e58cdb8e0a1 EXAMPLE 3 Downloading Using an http Proxy Server With Port 8080 xscf> getflashimage -p webproxy.sun.com:8080 \ Existing versions: Version Size Date FFXCP1040.tar.gz 46827123 Wed Mar 14 19:11:40 2007 Warning: About to delete existing versions. Continue? [y|n]: y Removing FFXCP1040.tar.gz. 0MB received System Administration 75 getflashimage(8) 1MB received 2MB received 43MB received 44MB received 45MB received Download successful: 46827KB at 1016.857KB/s Checking file... MD5: e619e6dd3 67c888507427e58cdb8e0a2 EXAMPLE 4 Downloading Using a User Name and Password xscf> getflashimage -u jsmith \ Existing versions: Version Size Date FFXCP1040.tar.gz 46827123 Wed Mar 14 19:11:40 2007 Warning: About to delete existing versions. Continue? [yjn]: y Removing FFXCP1040.tar.gz. Password: [not echoed] 0MB received 1MB received 2MB received 43MB received 44MB received 45MB received Download successful: 46827KB at 1016.857KB/s Checking file... MD5: e619e6dd3 67c888507427e58cdb8e0a3 76 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised September 2008 getflashimage(8) EXIT STATUS SEE ALSO EXAMPLE 5 Downloading From a USB Memory Stick xscf> getflashimage file:///media/usb_msd/images/FFXCP1041.tar.gz Existing versions: Version Size Date FFXCP1040.tar.gz 46827123 Wed Mar 14 19:11:40 2007 Warning: About to delete existing versions. Continue? [y|n]: y Removing FFXCP1040.tar.gz. Mounted USB device 0MB received 1MB received 44MB received 45MB received Download successful: 46827 Kbytes in 109 secs (430.094 Kbytes/sec) Checking file... MD5: e619e6dd3 67c888507427e58cdb8e0a4 The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred. flashupdate (8) System Administration 77 getflashimage(8) 78 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised September 2008 ioxadm(8) NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION Privileges ioxadm - manage External I/O Expansion Units LW 1 s X o [-p] [-v] [-M] env [-e] [-l] [-t] [ target [ sensors]] ioxadm [-f] [-p] [-v] [-M] list [ target] ioxadm [-f] [-p] [-v] [-M] locator [on|off] [ target] ioxadm [-f] [-p] [-v] [-M] poweroff target ioxadm [-f] [-p] [-v] [-M] poweron target ioxadm [-f] [-p] [-v] [-M] reset target ioxadm [-f] [-p] [-v] [-M] setled [ on|off|slow|fast] target led ioxadm -h ioxadm(8) manages External I/O Expansion ...
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