Instruções de Operação Advanced Elements, Modelo STRAITEDGE AE1006
Fabricante : Advanced Elements Arquivo Tamanho: 555.55 kb Arquivo Nome : cb15ec02-d271-4856-8a6a-248ef124de0e.pdf
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CAUTION -SAFETY WARNING 2. ASSEMBLY / INFLATING INSTRUCTIONS 3. GUIDELINES FOR USAGE 4. PROPER CARE AND STORAGE 5. REPAIRS 6. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) For additional info please call us or visit our website at: Send us an email at: 1. CAUTION -SAFETY WARNING Users of this product agree by their use to accept the inherent risks involved in this paddlesports activity and agree to follow all instructions, cautions, and warnings carefully before using this Kayak. (PLEASE READ CAUTION STATEMENT CAREFULLY) C A U T I O N SAFETY WARNING PADDLESPORTS CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS AND PHYSICALLY DEMANDING. THE USER OF THIS PRODUCTSHOULD UNDERSTAND THAT PARTICIPATION IN PADDLESPORTS MAY INVOLVE SERIOUS INJURY ORDEATH. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SAFETY STANDARDS WHENEVER USING THIS PRODUCT. · GET PADDLESPORTS INSTRUCTIONS SPECIFIC TO THIS TYPE OF CRAFT. · OBTAIN CERTIFIED FIRST AID TRAINING AND CARRY FIRST AID AND RESCUE/SAFETY EQUIPMENT. · ALWAYS WEAR A NATIONALLY APPROVED PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICE. · ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET WHERE APPROPRIATE. · DRESS APPROPRIATELY FOR WEATHER CONDITIONS; COLD WATER AND/OR COLD WEATHER CAN RESULT IN HYPOTHERMIA.CHECK YOUR EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO EACH USE FOR SIGNS OF WEAR OR FAILURE. · NEVER PADDLE ALONE. · DO NOT PADDLE IN FLOOD CONDITIONS. · BE AWARE OF APPROPRIATE RIVER WATER LEVELS, TIDAL CHANGES, DANGEROUS CURRENTS, WEATHER CHANGES, AND STRONG OFF SHORE WINDS. · SCOUT UNFAMILIAR WATER; PORTAGE WHERE APPROPRIATE. · DO NOT EXCEED YOUR PADDLING ABILITY; BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF. · CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN PRIOR TO BEGINNING YOUR PADDLESPORTS TRAINING. · YOU MUST NOT USE ALCOHOL OR MIND ALTERING DRUGS PRIOR TO USING THIS PRODUCT. · FOLLOW THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT. · IF ADDITIONAL OUTFITTING IS REQUIRED, USE MANUFACTURER'S APPROVED MATERIALS ONLY; DO NOT IMPAIR ENTRY OR EXIT ACCESS. · READ OWNER'S INFORMATION PACKET PRIOR TO USING THIS PRODUCT. THE USER OF THIS PRODUCT ACKNOWLEDGES BOTH AN UNDERSTANDING AND AN ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK INVOLVED IN PADDLESPORTS. ADVANCED ELEMENTS INC. TOLL FREE 866-262-9076 Please read this entire manual for additional safety information. Please pay close attention to items marked Important, Caution, Warning, Never, and Always. 2. Assembly / Inflating Instructions The illustration below shows the general assembly of the kayak, with optional thigh straps (sold separately).. Your kayak comes from the factory pre-assembled. The only assembly you should need to do is attach the adjustable seat. The StraitEdge Kayak has a rigid frame in the bow and stern that enhances its performance. Assembly Instructions 1. Insert aluminum Bow rib and the Stern rib into the webbing slots on the StraitedgE air bags and webbing slots on the kayak floor, at the bow and stern.. Aluminum Rib Webbing Slot (on Air bag) Air bag Air bag compression strap Webbing Slot (on kayak floor) air bag buckle 2. Attach air bags to the outer cover by tightening the “air bag compression straps” and buckling the “air bag buckle”. Do this while the air bag is deflated. These are preset at the factory and may not require any adjustment. 3. Attach adjustable seat to the StraitedgE side tubes by fastening buckles. To begin inflating your kayak, you will need a Bellows Foot Pump (FAQ) or a Double Action Hand Pump (FAQ) and your Valve Adaptor (FAQ). The Valve Adaptor can be located in the seat pocket with the repair kit. Never use compressors, CO2 or compressed air as they may damage you kayak. Diagram of kayak valves 1 6 5 3 2 4 Inflating Instructions Important: Before inflating, check to be sure that the kayak is completely assembled. Inflate your kayak in the following order. Failure to follow these instructions may cause damage to your kayak. Do not over inflate 1.Locate chamber 1. Unscrew butterfly cap and check that plunger valve is closed (fig. 1). Attach valve adaptor (fig. 2). Inflate Chamber 1 until firm to the touch (2.5 PSI). OPERATING THE “PLUNGER” VALVES 1. PUSH STEM INWARD 2. TWIST STEM 90 DEGREES 3. THEN RELEASE STEM DOWN (VALVE LOCKED OPEN) DEFLATE 12 STEM UP (VALVE CLOSED) INFLATE 12 SCREW ADAPTER CLOCKWISE INTO VALVE PUMP HOSE In this position: Air can be released from the chamber. You can also inflate in this position but air will flow out when the pump nozzle is removed. In this position: Air can be pumped in, but air will not escape when the pump nozzle is removed. NOTE: 12volt pumps may not generate enough pressure to bypass the spring loaded plunger. fig.1 fig.2 2. Proceed to chamber 2. Inflate chamber 2 until StraitEdge tube is firm to touch(2.5 PSI). Close butterfly caps on chambers 1 and 2 tightly. 3. Locate chambers 3 and 4 “floor.” Make sure valve body is screwed in tightly. Remove small cap (fig. 3) and insert Floor Valve Adaptor (fig. 4). Inflate chambers until firm(1.0 PSI). Do not over inflate (FAQ). CHECK VALVE CAP SMALL CAP TETHER RING SMALL CAP CHECK VALVE BODY INSERT “BOSTON PUMP ADAPTOR” ADVANC...