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Instruções de Operação Gigabyte, Modelo GA-8VM533

Fabricante : Gigabyte
Arquivo Tamanho: 2.76 mb
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Língua de Ensino: en
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Steps: 1. Press arrow buttons on your keyboard to move the light bar to "Load Main BIOS from Floppy" item in the Q-Flash™ menu and press Enter button. If you want to save the current BIOS for backup purpose, you can begin Step 1 with "Save Main BIOS to Floppy" item. Dual BIOS U tility Boo t Fro m.... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... M ain Bios M ain ROM Ty pe /Size... ........ ........ ..... S ST 4 9L F0 03 A Back up ROM Ty pe/S ize... ....... ...... .... S ST 4 9L F0 03 A Wid e R an ge Pr ote ctio n Disa ble Bo ot Fr om M ain Bios Au to Rec ov e ry E n ab le H alt On Err or Disa ble C o py M ain RO M Da ta to Back up L oa d D e fau lt S etting s Sav e Settings to C M OS 2 5 6 K 2 5 6 K Q-Flash U tility Lo ad M ain BIO S fr om Flop py Lo ad Bac kup BI OS fro m F lop py Sav e M ain BIOS to Flo ppy Sav e Bac kup B IOS to Flo ppy Enter : Run hi:M ov e ES C :Rese t F10 :Pow er Off GA-8VM 533 M otherboard -5 6 Later, you will see a box pop up showing the BIOS files you previously downloaded to the floppy disk. 2.Move to the BIOS file you want to flash and press Enter. In this example, we only download one BIOS file to the floppy disk so only one BIOS file, 7VRXP.F12, is listed. Please confirm again you have the correct BIOS file for your motherboard. Dual BIOS U tility Boo t Fro m.... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... M ain Bios M ain ROM Ty pe /Size... ........ ........ ..... S ST 4 9L F0 03 A Back up ROM Ty pe/S ize... ....... ...... .... S ST 4 9L F0 03 A Wid e R an ge Pr ote ctio n Disa ble Bo ot F M i Bi l l i l i l i Sav e Settings to C M OS 7V RXP. F1 2 To tal size : 1 .3 9M F5 : R efre sh 1 file( s) fou nd 2 5 6 K 2 5 6 K 2 5 6 K Fr ee siz e: 1.1 4M DE L : De le te Q-Flash U tility Lo ad M ain BIO S fr om Flop py Lo ad Bac kup BI OS fro m F lop py Sav e M ain BIOS to Flo ppy Sav e Bac kup B IOS to Flo ppy Enter : Run hi:M ov e ES C :Rese t F10 :Pow er Off BIO S file in the flopp y disk. After pressing Enter, you'll then see the progress of reading the BIOS file from the floppy disk. Dual BIOS U tility Boo t Fro m.... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... M ain Bios M ain ROM Ty pe /Size... ........ ........ ..... S ST 4 9L F0 03 A Back up ROM Ty pe/S ize... ....... ...... .... S ST 4 9L F0 03 A Wid e R an ge Pr ote ctio n Disa ble Bo ot Fr om M ain Bios Au to Rec ov e ry E n ab le l i l i l i i Re ading BI OS file from flop py . .. >>> >>>>>> >>>.. ...... ..... ...... ... Do n’t Tu rn Off Po w e r O r R ese t S y stem 2 5 6 K 2 5 6 K Q-Flash U tility Lo ad M ain BIO S fr om Flop py Lo ad Bac kup BI OS fro m F lop py Sav e M ain BIOS to Flo ppy Sav e Bac kup B IOS to Flo ppy Enter : Run hi:M ov e ES C :Rese t F10 :Pow er Off Do not truning off power or reset yo ur system at this stage !! English Ple ase d o not take out the floppy disk when it be gins flashing BIOS. -5 7 -Tech nical Refere nce EnglishEnglish After BIOS file is read, you'll see a confirmation dialog box asking you "Are you sure to update BIO S? " Dual BIOS U tility Boo t Fro m.... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... M ain Bios M ain ROM Ty pe /Size... ........ ........ ..... S ST 4 9L F0 03 A Back up ROM Ty pe/S ize... ....... ...... .... S ST 4 9L F0 03 A Wid e R an ge Pr ote ctio n Disa ble Bo ot Fr om M ain Bios Au to Rec ov e ry E n ab le H lt O E Di bl i l i i C H EC KSU M = 96D2 Are y o u s ure to u pda te BIO S? [E nter] to con tinue o r [Es c] to a bo rt. .. .. 2 5 6 K 2 5 6 K -l ili Lo ad M ain BIO S fr om Flop py Lo ad Bac kup BIO S fr om Flop py Sav e M ain BIOS to Flo ppy Sav e Bac kup B IOS to Flo ppy Enter : Run hi:M ov e ES C :Rese t F10 :Pow er Off Yo u ca n pr es s "En te r" to co ntin ue updating BIOS or "ESC" to abort. 3. Press Ybutton on your keyboard after you are sure to update BIOS. Then it will begin to update BIOS. The progress of updating BIOS will be displayed. Dual BIOS U tility Boo t Fro m.... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... M ain Bios M ain ROM Ty pe /Size... ........ ........ ..... S ST 4 9L F0 03 A Back up ROM Ty pe/S ize... ....... ...... .... S ST 4 9L F0 03 A Wid e R an ge Pr ote ctio n Disa ble Bo ot Fr om M ain Bios Au to Rec ov e ry E n ab le l i l i l i i Pr ogra mming N ow . .... .. >>> >>>>>> >>>.. ...... ..... ...... ... Do n't Tu rn Off Po w e r O r R ese t S y stem 2 5 6 K 2 5 6 K Q-Flash U tility Lo ad M ain BIO S fr om Flop py Lo ad Bac kup BI OS fro m F lop py Sav e M ain BIOS to Flo ppy Sav e Bac kup B IOS to Flo ppy Enter : Run hi:M ov e ES C :Rese t F10 :Pow er Off The p rogress of updating BIOS. Do not turn ing off powe r or res et your system at this stage to avoid dam aging your BIOS rom !! Ple ase d o not take out the floppy disk when it be gins flashing BIOS. GA-8VM 533 M otherboard -5 8 4. Press any keys to return to the Q-Flash™ menu when the BIOS updating procedure is completed. Dual BIOS U tility Boo t Fro m.... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... M ain Bios M ain ROM Ty pe /Size... ........ ........ ..... S ST 4 9L F0 03...

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