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Instruções de Operação Roland, Modelo GS-6

Fabricante : Roland
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por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :

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!t contains daw for she address and si«1 (hat specify designation and length, respectively, nf data required. On receiving an RQD mesaic, (he rcmnlc device checks its memory fur the data address and size which satisfy Ihc request. If ii finds them and is ready for communication. the device will transmit a "Dala set ¡DAT)" message, which comains (he requested dala. Otherwise, i! will return a ''Rejection {RJC}" message. Byte Description FOH Exclusive status 4; H Manufactures ID (Roisnd) DEV Device O MDL Model 10 ii H Command ID asH Address MS3 L$3 S sl-i Size MSB LSS sum Check sum F7H End of exclusive * The size {if the requested data does n This message is sent out to inform a remote device of the end of a message. Communication, however, will not come to an end unless the remote device returns an ACK message even though an ROD message was transmitted. Byte Description FOH Exclusive status 4 \ H Manufactures !D (Flcl-nd) DEV Device ID MDL Model ID 45H Command ID F7H End of exclusive # Communications error : ERR (4EH) This message warns the remote device of a communications fault encountered during message transmission due, for example, to a checksum error. An HRR message may be replaced with a "Rejection (RJC)” one, which terminates (he current message transaction in midstream. When it receives an ERR message, the sending device may either attempt to send out the last message a second time or terminate communication by sending out an RJC message. Byt e Description FOH Exclusive status 41H Manufactures iD (Roland) DEV Device • ID M.DL Model ID 42H Command ID 33H Address MS3 ! LSB ddH Data Sum Check sum F7H End of exclusive Byte Description FOH Exclusive status 41 H Manufactures ID (Roland) DEV Device ID MDL Mode! ID 4EH Command SD F7H ■ End of exclusive 36 Rejection : RJC (4FH) This message :s sen! out when (here is a need to terminate com mu nicai inn by ovcrndinji ¡he current message. An RJC message «-ill !>e trriiiiercc) when: • a WSD or !e terminated immedijtely when eilher side (risers an !'RR message. Byte Description FOH Exclusive status & 1 H Manufactures ID (Roland) DEV Device ID MDl Model ID dFH Command ID F7M End of exclusive Example of Message Transactions ...

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