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Instruções de Operação Roland, Modelo HP-2

Fabricante : Roland
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(No Data entry messages are required after RPN null). Settings already made will not change. mm, ll: ignored .Program Change Status 2nd byte CnH ppH n = MIDI channel number : 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) pp = Program number : 00H..77H (prog.1..prog.120) Received program change message are assigned as follows. prog. tone ---------------------------------1 Grand Piano1 2 Grand Piano2 3 Piano + Strings 4 Piano + Choir 5 Electric Piano1 6 Electric Piano2 7 Vibraphone 8 Electric Piano+Choir 9 Harpsichord 10 Organ Flute 11 Harpsichord + Strings Digital Piano Date:Dec. 20, 2001 Model:HP-2/3/7 MIDI Implementation 12 Harpsichord + Choir 13 Church Organ 14 Rotary Organ 15 Organ + Strings 16 Organ + Choir 17 Strings 18 Slow Strings 19 Strings + Choir 20 Strings + Brass 21 * Jazz Scat 22 * Choir 23 * Choir + Harp 24 * Choir + Bell 25 Grand Piano1 + Electric Piano1 26 Grand Piano1 + Electric Piano2 27 Grand Piano1 + Harpsichord 28 Grand Piano1 + Organ Flute 29 Grand Piano1 + Church Organ 30 Grand Piano1 + Rotary Organ 31 Grand Piano1 + Strings 32 Grand Piano1 + Slow Strings 33 * Grand Piano1 + Jazz Scat 34 * Grand Piano1 + Choir 35 Grand Piano2 + Electric Piano1 36 Grand Piano2 + Electric Piano2 37 Grand Piano2 + Harpsichord 38 Grand Piano2 + Organ Flute 39 Grand Piano2 + Church Organ 40 Grand Piano2 + Rotary Organ 41 Grand Piano2 + Strings 42 Grand Piano2 + Slow Strings 43 * Grand Piano2 + Jazz Scat 44 * Grand Piano2 + Choir 45 Electric Piano1 + Harpsichord 46 Electric Piano1 + Organ Flute 47 Electric Piano1 + Church Organ 48 Electric Piano1 + Rotary Organ 49 Electric Piano1 + Strings 50 Electric Piano1 + Slow Strings 51 * Electric Piano1 + Jazz Scat 52 * Electric Piano1 + Choir 53 Electric Piano2 + Harpsichord 54 Electric Piano2 + Organ Flute 55 Electric Piano2 + Church Organ 56 Electric Piano2 + Rotary Organ 57 Electric Piano2 + Strings 58 Electric Piano2 + Slow Strings 59 * Electric Piano2 + Jazz Scat 60 * Electric Piano2 + Choir 61 Harpsichord + Church Organ 62 Harpsichord + Rotary Organ 63 Harpsichord + Strings 64 Harpsichord + Slow Strings 65 * Harpsichord + Jazz Scat 66 * Harpsichord + Choir 67 Organ Flute + Church Organ 68 Organ Flute + Rotary Organ 69 Organ Flute + Strings 70 Organ Flute + Slow Strings 71 * Organ Flute + Jazz Scat 72 * Organ Flute + Choir 73 Church Organ + Strings 74 Church Organ + Slow Strings 75 * Church Organ + Jazz Scat 76 * Church Organ + Choir 77 Rotary Organ + Strings 78 Rotary Organ + Slow Strings 79 * Rotary Organ + Jazz Scat 80 * Rotary Organ + Choir 81 * Strings + Jazz Scat 82 * Strings + Choir 83 * Slow Strings + Jazz Scat 84 * Slow Strings + Choir 85 Grand Piano1/Acoustic Bass 86 Grand Piano2/Acoustic Bass 87 Electric Piano1/Electric Bass 88 Electric Piano2/Electric Bass 89 Harpsichord/Strings 90 Organ Flute/Organ Bass 91 Church Organ/Organ Bass 92 Rotary Organ/Lower Organ 93 Strings/Pizzicato 94 Slow Strings/Pizzicato 95 * Jazz Scat/Voice Bass (HP-7) Jazz Scat/Acoustic Bass (HP-2/3) 96 * Choir/Strings 97 Grand Piano1/Acoustic Bass & Cymbal 98 Grand Piano2/Acoustic Bass & Cymbal 99 Electric Piano1/Acoustic Bass 100 Electric Piano2/Acoustic Bass 101 Harpsichord/Organ Flute 102 Organ Flute/Strings 103 Church Organ/Strings 104 Rotary Organ/Electric Bass 105 Strings/Choir 106 Slow Strings/Choir 107 * Jazz Scat/Acoustic Bass & Cymbal 108 * Choir/Church Organ 109 Grand Piano1/Strings 110 Grand Piano2/Strings 111 Electric Piano1/Strings 112 Electric Piano2/Strings 113 Harpsichord/Acoustic Bass 114 Organ Flute/Choir 115 Church Organ/Choir 116 Jazz Organ/Rotary Organ 117 Oboe/Strings 118 Flute/Slow Strings 119 * Jazz Scat/Choir 120 * Choir/Organ Flute * "A+B" means tones for dual, and "A|B" means tones for split. * "---" and any program number other than those listed above are ignored. * After a Program Change message is received, the sound will change beginning with the next Note-on. Voices already sounding when the Program Change message was received will not be affected. * Received program change messages through channel 1-16 affect each part individually. * Received program change messages through basic channel affect part on the corresponding channel and internal keyboard notes. * “*” is only for HP-7. ¦Channel Mode Messages .Reset All Controllers (Controller number 121) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 79H 00H n = MIDI channel number : 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) * When this message is received, the following controllers will be set to their reset values. Controller Reset value Expression 127 (max) Hold 1 0 (off) Sostenuto 0 (off) Soft 0 (off) .Local Control (Controller number 122) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 7AH vvH n=MIDI channel number : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16) vv=Value : 00H, 7FH (0, 127) 0=OFF 127=ON .All Notes Off (Controller number 123) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 7BH 00H n = MIDI channel number : 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) * When All Notes Off is received, all notes on the corresponding channel will be turned off. However if Hold 1 or Sostenuto is ON, the sound will be continued until these are turned off...

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