Instruções de Operação Yamaha, Modelo RS60A
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И©ЯЙИЩ**£<ЙЙ*С#Уч®ЙСШЬ<Й£СКЛ:ЙС^*£ЗЙЩС'ФЬ±#**. ■ RS60A®Sѧ Ш(xi) THí^¿íiibt^AJbTvJ^'- (x2) Ш (xlO) Eïÿi-^jrjb^-i7>? (xi) Ш (xi) [g Ъ>*-Я- (xi) E (x6) E вдмт (*ю ■ RS60A+AyRl:ty^y?tëlJ ^ ^ e • АуК, К^ДЬий-^Уа-^и^С^итога) ©DTXPRESS К^дьия-^У^-^ © TP60 К7ДД7К ®PCY60 ® KP60 +У^Я7К © HH60 л^л^юуьань^ь *FP-700&£ С® ГЙ±^®ССЗ№Ш £ ¿<©Ш^®5ЯШЬ<Ь'®и<К'ги„ Src»ÎS»#*'5lXSlÆ>S®ÎS»£Î®UUrcL^„ л#шш0шш±тз(с1* д ажсш-ша^асшй^ 0 • fiS^SMUrcDíS^S * С®ШТ£#ЖГРоГс®Ш£ТЗ£, /|\ ЛЬ*ШШ£ЙоГсО, ШЙЧШ£§1}ЗЙ /_i_\/.I#Œl BmsnwssrtssiNruiT. 0 7 7ЬЯ^7?^7 7Ь^5'^®ТС>¥^Е^Л n®U^<ÆÆU„ A Ш«^ПГ1}й'^5йПй';®0^„ A A^©ïï®^№SO’*y©Æïï^Ôïa^®MI^K'5 A®^Ta¿í.ütf5Í^SntfSDSÍ„ As сдашт^шьпеогсжш^т á¿, л^^^яйшш^йзёй© ®П№££Й§£ТЬГи*То А 1ёЩ:ЩрШ1*ай'¥6^±^Йр^ЬГ<Гс£ Жй'ШГ^ГсО, А ?Ш, 0 Я£^ЙЙ©1№££СЙ5Р^Й1^У£Ш№ &UTKrcíUW^b"b^TbrcD^ A^0'»DS5r^íÍ£$Ü^IÍ0'©)SH¿ 0 ^^lOBüWcD^älcL&UKciUls fflUfcD^nfcDUr, №tf©ü¿ÖOÍ?o А ^№?«й'№оГсО, ¡Ë^ÿ©BB> Г- ^'jb©? S5^o№yiÈ^|?SSntfÈDS?„ ■ ^VA^ÂÊtt EMgfj S№E«P^Éfett№ •:lt*®g*pfl т 064-8543 ^LSm^ÄEffi lOÄffilTg 1-50 TEL 011 (512) 6113 •Mägwffi т 980-0804 2-2-10 TEL 022 (222) 6147 •ШШ•зяквд т 108-8568 ЩжЖ1[Х|Ш2-17-11 TEL 03 (5488) 5476 •«ЙВ^ЖяЛ т 460-8588 «ЙВШФЕЙ 1-18-28 TEL 052 (201) 5199 •*l®g*pfl т 542-0081 *КШФ*ЕШШ 3-12-9 TEL 06 (6252) 5231 •лж^жл т 812-8508 ЯИШШЕШШ 2-11-4 TEL 092 (472) 2130 Л-Д^-У ■ RS60A^£ríJÜ •Ж- - (+£fcli-) ££ДЙ<£ЗИо AvF»¿fS»©0É*yttboü'D£»»M0Xи>' Е£ 2-2 b*Jb'-^>A Ш№9ЧКШ Н©А^А 2-3 DTXPRESS^t^a-.^*^'- [ШШОШ^„ К^ [0|сШ©*УГ. DTXPRESS ®Ё®®^УА^@^Ь^^с 2-41 |С. DTXPRESS£®Otttt [В^ОШ^с и даком!} 13-1 КЪААуК^>А [GH^A^DyK^U^'E^bÄ ^.0£*У£ШЙШ«„ 3-2 К^ЛАуК^^>^ [СЗ]^^А^Д^А^А^Ь©Ж>’'^а 3-3 А°^К^АЙП^К^и>' Е1С^Ь&&. fä^HSb. 0£Ь^„ ^vAib-nju^- И даком^ 14-1 t^-АЧ^Ш [C]®AÖCtyb£nrc^>;Ub^Jb '-ffl^>^(C. '»Ab*Jb'- 0£^Ь^. 0£* 4-2 '>>;оьауК^'>>аьж;ь'- И(шош. SU. (ВД0ША>Ш. '»АЬАуК®ВДй Ш*£С#^<Гсги) asd^^'uv^ [F ^>я;иж^- Гн1 h^AAyh^^V? ^:£rb'^J$Lfc5,+y^AyK,A^Ayb=lVbD-JU‘N:2,Jb& £'£tybU, ^U^ToS^-^WS^^U^K&S&l^ô l^^-^JbAVF ffl^A47^0^U^U*5o зшз^шшёв ш^шшёв ^-к^дшш f 430-8650 ^ЭДШФ>КШ1 10-1 TEL(053)460-2433 YAMAHA Electronic Drum Rack System RS60A Assembly Instructions Thank you for purchasing the Yamaha Electronic Drum Rack System RS60A. Before using, thoroughly read this assembly manual, and use this product safely and correctly. ■ RS60A Rack Stand Parts * Before assembling the rack stand, make sure all of the parts shown below are included. Left Side Assembly (x1) [D] Module Holder (x1) (4 screws included) E Module Holder Clamp (x1) E Hex Rod Cylinder (x6) Right Side Assembly (x1) \C\ Center Pipe Assembly (x1) [G]Drum Pad Clamp (x3) JJ Cymbal Holder (x2) H] Cable Band (x10) [J] Tuning Key (x1) [K] Center Bar (x1) ©YAMAHA L Assembly Instructions (this sheet) PRECAUTIONS Before using, please read this “Assembly Instruction” sheet, and use this product in a safe and proper manner. Especially for children, parents or an instructor should teach the children the proper manner in which to use the device. To prevent against accidents and injury Please follow the cautions listed below A Caution (including danger, or warning). This mark indicates cautions in which you should pay close attention to. 0Acts indicated with this icon are prohibited and should not be attempted. This icon indicates acts that you are urged to follow. If this symbol is ignored and the equipment is / I \ used improperly, fatal injury to persons or se-WARNING rious damage could occur. A Always set the instrument on a flat and solid surface. Placement on a sloping, unstable surface or on steps may result in the instrument being unstable and overturning. A Make sure all bolts are tightened firmly. Loose bolts may result in the rack overturning or parts dropping causing injury. 0 When adjusting the height or angle, do not suddenly loosen the bolt. The pad may drop, the rack or pipes may slip, pinching or causing injury to hands or fingers. 0 Do not sit or step on the rack. The rack may overturn or be damaged resulting in injury. A Please be careful when children are close to or touching the product. The product has many pipes and arms so careless movement around the product may result in injury. A When setting the pads and modules, please pay close attention in regards to the handling and setting of cables. Feet may become entangled in the cables resulting in falls. ¿e If thi s symbol is igno red and the equipment is used improperly, there is a danger of injury to ' persons handling the equipment, and material CAUT|ON damage could occur. 0 Do not put your hands or feet under the foot pedal or foot switch. They may be pinched ...
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