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Receive Recognized as key press information. Polyphonic Key Pressure Format Message Format: AnH kkH vvH n: MIDI Channel Number kk: Key Number vv: Pressure Value Send This message is not sent by this Instrument. Receive This message is not received by this Instrument. Control Change Format Message Format: BnH ccH vvH n: MIDI Channel Number cc: Control Number vv: Value Send Sent when a pedal or another controller operation is performed, when settings are changed, when the tone is changed, or when an auto performance or other operation is performed. Receive Receipt changes the controller and settings that correspond to the control number. 9 9.1 Bank Select (00H) Format Message Format: BnH 00H mmH (MSB) BnH 20H llH (LSB) n: MIDI Channel Number mm: Value ll: Send: 00H, Receive: Ignored Send Sent when a tone is selected. For information about numbers, see the Tone List in the User’s Guide. Receive Receipt switches the tone bank number stored in Instrument memory. Note, however, that the tone is not changed until a Program Change message is received. For details, see “11 Program Change”. For information about numbers, see the Tone List in the User’s Guide. 9.2 Modulation (01H) Format Message Format: BnH 01H vvH n: MIDI Channel Number vv: Value Send This message is not sent by this Instrument. Receive Receipt adds, to the voice being sounded, modulation of a depth specified by the value. In the case of a tone that already has modulation applied, receipt of this message increases the modulation depth. The modulation effect differs according to the tone being used. 9.3 Portamento Time (05H) Format Message Format: BnH 05H vvH n: MIDI Channel Number vv: Value Send This message is not sent by this Instrument. Receive Receipt changes the time it takes until pitch reaches the target portamento effect pitch. 10 9.4 Data Entry (06H, 26H) Format Message Format: BnH 06H vvH (MSB) BnH 26H vvH (LSB) n: MIDI Channel Number vv: Value Send Sent when there is a change in the parameters assigned to NRPN and RPN. For details about information assigned to parameters that correspond to NRPN and RPN, see “9.19 NRPN” and “9.20 RPN”. Receive Receipt changes the parameter assigned to RPN. This Instrument does not have a parameter that corresponds to NRPN. 9.5 Volume (07H) Format Message Format: BnH 07H vvH n: MIDI Channel Number vv: Value Send Sent when layer balance is adjusted. Receive Receipt changes the volume of the corresponding part. 9.6 Pan (0AH) Format Message Format: BnH 0AH vvH n: MIDI Channel Number vv: Value (Note1) Note 1: For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see “26.3 Pan Setting Value Table” in “Part VII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values”. Send Sent in the following cases. • When Music Library play is stopped Receive Receipt changes the pan setting of the corresponding part. 11 9.7 Expression (0BH) Format Message Format: BnH 0BH vvH n: MIDI Channel Number vv: Value Send This message is not sent by this Instrument. Receive Receipt changes the Expression value. 9.8 General Use Controllers 1 through 8 (10H through 13H, 50H through 53H) These messages are used to control DSP operation. Format Message Format: BnH 10H vvH BnH 11H vvH BnH 12H vvH BnH 13H vvH BnH 50H vvH BnH 51H vvH BnH 52H vvH BnH 53H vvH DSP Parameter7[0] DSP Parameter7[1] DSP Parameter7[2] DSP Parameter7[3] DSP Parameter7[4] DSP Parameter7[5] DSP Parameter7[6] DSP Parameter7[7] n: MIDI Channel Number (Note1) vv: Value Send This message is not sent by this Instrument. Receive Receipt change the value of Parameter7 [0-7] (7-Bit Parameter) explained under “21.3 DSP Parameters”. Any message received that corresponds to the parameter of a number not being used by the currently selected DSP is ignored. Note 1: Received values and parameter setting values The range of the value of each DSP Parameter 7 array element depends on the selected DSP or array number. Unlike manipulation of a DSP parameter using a System Exclusive Message, a value received by this control change message is always in the range of 0 to 127, but the range is changed in accordance with the setting range of the applicable parameter setting. Because of this, it is impossible for a value to be outside of the range. Conversion to the parameter setting value from the value received with the message can be represented in general terms by the expression shown below. Received Value Parameter Setting Value = Parameter Minimum Value + (Parameter Maximum Value -Parameter Minimum Value) X 127 For details about Parameter 7 of each DSP, see the explanations under “VI DSP Parameter List”. 12 9.9 Hold1 (40H) Format Message Format: BnH 40H vvH n: MIDI Channel Number vv: Value Send Sent in the following cases. • When a pedal that has a sustain (damper) function is operated Receive Receipt performs an operation equivalent to a sustain (damper) pedal operation. Timbre Type Specific Operation This operation differs in accordance with the Timbre Type (see “11.1 Abou...