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Downloads : 0   Arquivo Tamanho: 2 mb   Fabricante : Furman Sound  
Categoria : Instrumentos musicais

Your SRM-80A will make monitoring, mixdown, and dubbing simpler and faster, thus helping you achieve professional results. SYSTEM SETUP 1 SOURCE MIXER OUTPUT MO NITOR LINE OUTPUTB SRM -80A SRM RU “A” OUT “B” OUT MO NITOR LINE OUTPUTA TO SOURCE IN OU TPUT FROM AM P(B) OU TPUT MONITOR LINE OUTPUTA ABOUT THE SRM-80 The SRM-80A facilitates mixdown and dubbing between different media types without tying up additional console chan nels. By connecting the control room outputs of your mixer, inputs and

Downloads : 8   Arquivo Tamanho: 5 mb   Fabricante : Furman Sound  
Categoria : Instrumentos musicais

The SPB-8’s stereo patch bay contains ten 1/4” switchingphone jacks, connected in two stereo loops. This allows a single guitar or instrument input to feed multiple mono and stereoeffects boxes, send and return from remote effects, and feed up to two amplifiers simultaneously. From modest to highly complex patching demands, the SPB-8 allows nearly unlimited set-upflexibility. 9VDCREGULATEDOUTLETSFORPEDALS,100mAMAXIMUMPEROUTPUTSTEREOPATCHBAYSPB-8/8E Patch Bay 9VDCREGULATEDOUTLETSFORPEDALS,100mAMA
