Якщо активовано факс, введіть назву вашого факсового терміналу, натисніть Ввід. Для детальної інформації зверніться до вашого техніка з підтримки системи; або натисніть кнопку Назад, щоб повернутись і зняти позначку біля Факс. .................................., ............................... ... ....... ... ....... Enter. ... ............ ..........., ............ .... ........ ........... .......... . ....... .. ....... .... ... .. ........... ... .. ............ ... ....... .... FAX ........
This innovative device saves office space, consumables and maintenance costs and avoids the need for multiple power points by replacing separate printer, fax machine, scanner and copier with one economical and small footprint unit. With print speeds up to 17 pages per minute in colour, 30 pages per minute in monochrome, and a typical monthly print volume of 1000 to 7000 pages per month, you won’t be kept waiting long for printed materials even in the busiest of offices. Running costs are very co
mWhat do I do if I am not satisfied?oWe pride ourselves on our great customer service. If you are not satisfied with the service you receive under this
10S E C C I Ó N 1 0C o n f i g u r a c i ó n d e b a n d e j a s d e p a p e lImpresora láser Dell Workgroup S2500Impresora láser Dell Workgroup
10A B S C H N I T T 1 0K o n f i g u r i e r e n d e r P a p i e r f ä c h e rDell Workgroup-Laserdrucker S2500Dell Workgroup-Laserdrucker
wireless signal.Verify that your wireless network is using a unique network name (SSID). If not, it ispossible that the wireless printer adapter is
El adaptador de impresora inalámbrico se ha configurado correctamente, pero no sepuede encontrar en la red:Verifique que el adaptador de impresora inalámbrico
Adresse für den Wireless-Druckeradapter zur Verfügung. Die MAC-Adresse befindet sichauf der Unterseite des Wireless-Druckeradapters.Der Wireless-Druckeradapter
Use the following guidelines to select and use prepunched paper:Test paper from several manufacturers before ordering and using large quantities of
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