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Categoria : Outras ferramentas

This warranty gives you legal rights. You may also have other rights, which vary from state to state. For more information regarding your warranty, please contact: ProSteel Security Products Customer Service Dept. 1400 South State PO Box 977 Provo, UT 84603 (877) 501-7233, ext.14 For customers in Canada, please contact: Browning Canada Sports Ltd./Ltee 5583 Chemin St Francois St Laurent, Quebec Canada H4S1W6 (514) 333-7261 Browning.Com Browning us: Morgan, Utah 84050-9326 Browning Canada: Browni

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Categoria : Outras ferramentas

This warranty does not apply to damage or loss resulting from accident, alteration, misuse, unauthorized entry or improper installation, damage resulting from exposure to moisture and/or condensation, nor does it cover wear or scratching of paint or plating. If the product should become defective within the warranty period, ProSteel will repair or replace it (at ProSteel’s discretion) free of charge. A replacement safe or part will be shipped curbside delivery (for destinations in the continenta

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Categoria : Outras ferramentas

• GARAGE — Keep your safe as far away from the garage as possible. Flammable liquids, automobiles and small engines can start fires and flammable liquids and other chemicals stored in the garage can fuel the fire. • FURNACE OR WATER HEATER — Open flames in these areas may cause fires to start, and gas lines provide additional fuel. • STORAGE AREAS FOR FUEL SOURCES — Avoid areas with firewood, black powder, smokeless powder, gasoline, propane, paint and thinners or any other flammable material. •

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Categoria : Outras ferramentas

Changing the ComBination Your combination of the S & G® Mechanical Lock is pre-set at the factory. Changing the combination will void your lock warranty. If you must change the combination for some reason, contact a certified locksmith to do this for you. keyloCk The keylock in your combination dial is used to lock the dial only. This is a convenience feature that allows you to lock your dial so that it will not accidentally rotate and lock while you are moving items into or out of your safe. Th

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Categoria : Outras ferramentas

No maintenance is required for the electronic lock, other than changing the battery by following the directions in the lock instructions. 14 You should immediately change the combination of the electronic lock from the factory default code. The lock instructions outline the process to program a new electronic lock combination. IMPORTANT: Record the combination you select, as the factory will not have any record of the combination you choose. If you forget the combination on your electronic lock

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Categoria : Outras ferramentas

DO NOT HOWEvER, ASSUME THAT ANY SAFE IS IMPENETRABLE — IT IS NOT! A KNOWLEDGEABLE THIEF CAN GET INTO ANY SAFE IF GIvEN THE APPROPRIATE TOOLS AND ENOUGH TIME. Your safe is a deterrent and a delaying device. You can make it even more effective by placing it in the right location and anchoring it to the floor and wall. Browning ProSteel fire safes offer similar protection against fire. They are fire-resistant, not fireproof. DO NOT ASSUME A FIRE-RESISTANT SAFE WILL WITHSTAND ANY AND ALL FIRES — IT

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Categoria : Outras ferramentas

Your shelves are held in place by several clips that secure them to four “tracks” on the safe interior. Some are above the shelves and some are below. To remove a clip, squeeze it together with hand pressure or adjusting the hinges. pliers and lift up. The shelves can be relocated along this track by simply relocating the clips to the desired shelf location. To replace a clip, insert the top lip of the clip into the appropriate slot in the track, squeeze the clip together and insert the bottom l

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Categoria : Outras ferramentas

6 Use a 2" wood bit to drill though the fire-resistant insulation. Do not attempt to drill through the steel safe body with the wood bit. 7 Reposition the safe on your centerline marks against the wall and mark the hole centers on the wall of the house. 8 Use a 5/16" wood bit to drill the pilot holes through the sheet rock and stud. Next install 3/8" x 3." lag bolts through a 1." diameter steel washer through the safe body and into the stud. Tighten all anchor bolts. 9 Fill the 2" holes in the s

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Categoria : Outras ferramentas

Use a 2" wood bit to drill though the fire-resistant insulation. Do not attempt to drill through the steel safe body with the wood bit. 3 Use a ." high-speed bit designed for drilling metal to drill through the steel safe wall. Once you have drilled though the fire-resistant material and safe body, mark the center of your holes on the wall. 4 Remove the safe and use a 3/8" masonry bit to drill the anchor holes. Reposition the safe over the holes and install the expansion anchors and washers thro

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Categoria : Outras ferramentas

Temperatures are monitored in several locations throughout the safe. In order to pass the test, the safe interior temperature must not exceed 350° F in any sensor location. water and fire damage Should your safe be exposed to fire or water, the fire-resistant properties of the insulation will be compromised. Do not continue to store valuable items in such a safe. Check with your insurance agent to determine if your policy will replace the safe, in addition to other household items. rust danger t
