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Additional Warranty Limitations ALL IMPLIEd WArrANTIES, INCLUdING THE IMPLIEd WArrANTIES oF MErCHANTABILITY ANd FITNESS For A PArTICULAr PUrPoSE ArE SPECIFICALLY dISCLAIMEd. Limitations of remedies THE rEMEdIES CoNTAINEd IN THIS WArrANTY ArE THE PUrCHASEr’S or FIrST USEr’S EXCLUSIVE rEMEdIES. IN No CIrCUMSTANCES WILL AMTroL BE LIABLE For MorE THAN, ANd PUrCHASEr-FIrST USEr’S rEMEdIES SHALL NoT EXCEEd, THE PrICE PAId For THE ProdUCT. IN No CASE SHALL AMTroL BE LIABLE For ANY SPECIAL, INdIrECT, INCIdENTAL or CoNSEQUENTIAL dAMAGES, WHETHEr rESULTING FroM NoN-dELIVErY or FroM THE USE, MISUSE, or INABILITY To USE THE ProdUCT or FroM dEFECTS IN THE ProdUCT or FroM AMTroL’S oWN NEGLIGENCE or oTHEr TorT. This exclusion applies regardless of whether such damages are sought for breach of warranty, breach of contract, negligence, strict liability, in tort or under any other legal theory. Such damages include, but are not limited to, inconvenience, loss or damage to property, mold, loss of profits, loss of savings or revenue, loss of use of the Products or any associated equipment, facilities, buildings or services, downtime, and the claims of third parties including customers. What To do If You Have a Problem Covered By This Warranty Any covered Warranty service must be authorized by AMTROL. Contact the person from whom you purchased the Product, who must receive authorization from an AMTROL distributor or AMTROL. If you do not receive a prompt response, call AMTROL directly at 877-517-9673. Notice of a Warranty claim should be submitted by the authorized distributor to AMTROL at the following address: AMTROL Inc., Warranty Claim Dept. 1400 Division Road, West Warwick, RI 02893 Before AMTROL determines to provide any replacement part or Product, it may as a pre-condition to making such a determination require that the warranty claimant ship the Product, postage prepaid to an authorized AMTROL distributor, or to AMTROL and provide proof of purchase evidenced by the original sales receipt or Product registration. replacement Product Warranty In case of replacement of a Product or any component part, AMTROL reserves the right to make changes in the design, construction, or material of the substitute components or products, which shall be subject to all of the terms and limitations of this Warranty, except that the applicable warranty periods shall be reduced by the amount of time the warranty claimant owned the product prior to submitting notification of the warranty claim. Revised 01/11 1400 Division Road, West Warwick, RI 02893 T: 401.884.6300 F: 401.885.2567 AMTROL, AMTROL logo and EXTROL are registered trademarks of AMTROL Inc. and affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere. All rights reserved. Part #: 9017-095 (04/11) ...
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