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• Browse through the products by selecting a category. • Enter a product serial number. In addition, if you have signed in to your HP Passport account, you can: • Select from your recent products. • Find products in your profile, through your contracts and warranties. • Enter a product serial number and see your contract or warranty status for the product. Using any of these methods results in the display of a page similar to the following example. This is a product support page. From the product support page, you have access to most of the information you need, either from the left navigation bar, the drop-down menus, or from the listings on the page itself: 6 Identify and select your product 7 4 Search HP Support Center 1. Once you reach a product support page, click on Search HP Support Center in the Knowledge Base drop-down option, or in the left navigation bar: 2. Search by keyword or document ID for support documents relevant to the product you have selected: You can filter results by document type and date range. You can also use Boolean operators and special characters in your search screen. See the help file under Search HP Support Center in the left navigation bar for details and examples. 8 Search HP Support Center 5 Find product drivers, software and firmware 1. Select a product, then click Drivers, Software & Firmware . If you do not select a product first, you will be prompted to do so before you arrive at the driver download page. 2. This typically brings up the driver download page for the product. In some cases where there is more than one model, a list of models displays. In that case select your model from the list to reach the download page. Select the driver language from the drop-down and the list of supported operating systems for that language displays beneath it. You also have an option to subscribe to driver and support alerts to be proactively notified via email of new support and driver alerts: 3. Select the operating system. A download index of categories including drivers, firmware, and other software is displayed: 9 You can then click on a category from the download index to view the software and drivers available for that category, or scroll down the page to view all available downloads. Click on the description for any download to view details such as description, enhancements, installation instructions, release notes, and revision history. 10 Find product drivers, software and firmware 6 Find product top issues From a product support page, view the section Top Issues to see the top four reported issues according to HP Support, followed by a link to additional top issues if present: 11 7 Find advisories, bulletins and notices Advisories, bulletins and notices are related types of documents: • Advisory: Includes documents describing problems and solutions for both HP hardware and software products. • Bulletin: An urgent communication involving safety concerns or other risks such as data loss or security vulnerability. • Notice: General reference information. 1. To reach these documents, click the Advisories, Bulletins & Notices link in the left navigation bar of a product support page: 2. Click on the column headings to sort the list by title, content type, or updated date: 12 Find advisories, bulletins and notices 8 Find most viewed solutions Finding most viewed solutions for a product is similar to finding top issues. On a product support page, up to four most-viewed solutions are listed, followed by a link to additional most-viewed solutions: 13 9 Find product manuals “Manuals” is a broad term that includes many types of support documentation. 1. Click the Manuals link in the left navigation bar of a product page: 2. The results page lists the manuals by category. Select a category from the list: 14 Find product manuals 3. The results display in a table that lists the documents by title. You can sort the results by title, content type, or date: 15 10 Use task-based information Several task-based options are available under the Task section of the left navigation bar of a product support page: For example, select Troubleshoot a problem to reach a variety of common issues. The results are broken down into categories. Select a category from the list: Guided Troubleshooting is another feature available for some products. It provides a step-by-step method to help you find solutions to common product issues. If available for the product, an HP Guided Troubleshooting link is present on the left navigation bar on the product support page, or any of the Knowledge Base option pages: 16 Use task-based information Some troubleshooting guides are in English, and some are translated into the supported languages: 17 11 Use Customer Self Repair 1. Customer Self Repair (CSR) provides access to videos and work instruction documents for part replacement. From a product support page, click the Customer Self Repair link in the left navigation bar: 2. From a CSR page, a link to Repair videos an...