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Downloads : 0   Arquivo Tamanho: 792 kb   Fabricante : Burley  
Categoria : Bicicletas

Hardware Bag Contents & Tool List 3 II. Attaching the Wheels 3 III. Installing the Tongue & Safety Flag 4 IV. Unfolding & Folding your Burley Cub 6 V. Using the Seat Harness 9 VI. Padded Seat & Shoulder Harness 12 VII. Hitching the Burley Cub to Your Bicycle 13 VIII. Trailer Maintenance and Care 14 IX. Safety Guidelines 16 X. Safety Checklists 21 XI. Parts List & Drawing 22 Warranty 24 Cub Owner’s Instruction & Safety Manual Contents Section Page Introduction 2 I. Hardware Bag Contents & Tool Li

Downloads : 3   Arquivo Tamanho: 792 kb   Fabricante : Burley  
Categoria : Bicicletas

Hitch must seat properly into stays and not interfere with racks, bags, or fi ttings. In spect hitch and tongue frequently for damage or loose fasteners. Interfering parts or damaged hitch can cause an ac ci dent resulting in se ri ous injury. Do not use or store trailer at temperatures below 32° Fahrenheit as hitch rubber fl ex con nec tor can become brittle and pos si bly break, caus ing an accident re sult ing in serious injury. VIII. Trailer Main te nance and Care Storing Your Burley Cub We

Downloads : 0   Arquivo Tamanho: 384 kb   Fabricante : Burley  
Categoria : Bicicletas

See Chubby diagram on page_____ for part explanations. 4. Push rubber fork booties up off of sliders. 5. Separate sliders from stanchion tubes with a downward tug. 6. Clean the outside of the stanchion tubes and the inside of the sliders with clean rag. 7. Apply thin layer of grease to stanchion tubes and also to the inside of the wiper seal on the sliders. Regreasing Fork Legs 8. Push slider up onto stanchions and reinstall lower slider bolts. Torque to 80 in-lbs. Elastomer Stack and inner Stan

Downloads : 7   Arquivo Tamanho: 1 mb   Fabricante : Burley  
Categoria : Bicicletas

Repeat for the other wheel. Note: wheels are not centered on the axle. Make sure wheels are held securely, with wheel shaft fully inserted into the hollow axle. You should not be able to rock or shift wheels. Improp- erly installed wheels can fall off, causing an accident or serious injury. WARNING A B C Mounts horizontally to frame Quick-release lever in locked “Closed” position Quick-release lever in unlocked “Open” position Installing and Operating the Tongue d’Lite™, Encore™, Solo™, Lady Bug

Downloads : 0   Arquivo Tamanho: 3 mb   Fabricante : Burley  
Categoria : Bicicletas

TEACH THE KIDS Towbar removes for compact storage and transport. By popular demand, we’re reintroducing our trailercycles. They’ll help your child learn to ride a bike, while still staying safely connected to you. Parents really like our patented hitch system that provides a solid, safe ride. We’ve designed them both with a lower stand-over height to better fit smaller riders. They will now transport easier with the removable towbar. Standard Hitch Switch easily to a second bike. Rack Mount Enab

Downloads : 0   Arquivo Tamanho: 719 kb   Fabricante : Burley  
Categoria : Bicicletas

3 Safety Guidelines Pg. 3 Hardware Bag Contents and Tool Lists Pg. 5 Mounting the Reflectors Pg. 6 Attaching the Wheels Pg. 6 Installing the Side Rails (Nomad Only) Pg. 7 Installing the Tailgate and Splashguard (Nomad Only) Pg. 8 Installing the Rollbar and Cover (Nomad Only) Pg. 8 Installing the Tow Bar Pg. 9 Installing the Safety Flag (Nomad Only) Pg. 10 Hitching Your Burley to Your Bicycle Pg. 10 Loading Your Trailer Pg. 11 Safety Checklists Pg. 12 Maintenance and Storage Pg. 13 Parts Lists an

Downloads : 0   Arquivo Tamanho: 540 kb   Fabricante : Burley  
Categoria : Bicicletas

Roll Bar Installation 1. If handle bar receivers are already installed, loosen and remove handle bar knobs and outer handle bar receivers. Figure 1 2. Using wrench, loosen and remove lock nuts and screws from handle bar receivers. 3. From trailer front, slide roll bar into upper handle bar receivers, with curved front extending above trailer body. 4. Match holes in roll bar and inner handle bar receivers, re-install screws and tighten lock nuts. 5. Replace outer handle bar receivers and tighten

Downloads : 2   Arquivo Tamanho: 380 kb   Fabricante : Burley  
Categoria : Bicicletas

2. Position top of rack parallel to the ground. Check distance from stay mounting hole on Moose Rack to the bicycle’s seat stays. Figure 1 BA Figure 1: The difference between heights A & B must be less than 3/4” (19.05 mm) rACK MuSt Be LeVeL. WheN PuLLiNg A trAiLerCYCLe, A NoN-LeVeL rACK CAN ADVerSeLY AFFeCt BiCYCLe hANDLiNg, reSuLtiNg iN AN ACCiDeNt or SeriouS iNJurY. WArNiNg 3. Adjust rack stays to fit. Photo 1 Moose Rack Instructions Contents: (2) Band Clamps (4) M5 Socket Head Screws (4) Was

Downloads : 3   Arquivo Tamanho: 196 kb   Fabricante : Burley  
Categoria : Bicicletas

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Downloads : 0   Arquivo Tamanho: 4 mb   Fabricante : Burley  
Categoria : Bicicletas

Every effort has been made to ensure your purchase is a top-quality, thoroughly-tested design, ready to provide many years and miles of happy, safe trailering. Please go to or contact us at burley@burley. com to register your warranty information. IMPORTANT IT IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH YOUR BURLEY BY READING THIS ENTIRE MANUAL BEFORE USE. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR AUTHORIZED BURLEY DEALER OR VISIT WWW.BURLEY.COM. Introduction Once you’ve done the
