por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
oee. oo.ue portrait effect (the subject is in focus and the anoo. eee. background is out of focus), capture high-speed .ae.niuУ iiaeuocoooя aaiePe.ROGRAM action, record night views, etc. i..Ф iieyѕ oo,uu uУ iiiХ ..Ao.Eeя aaa. ooooieaeo oi,eona)aiaoiiaoieoan,aiau(aeo ,.eaoneauaionУ ii.enУ iieuna uo.inac Selecting the best mode . ..oieaie.ј ccЯ aaaЃ ii.uina. eeou Select a proper PROGRAM AE mode referring to the following description..uai. iaeeo.oaai .a.eia a.aeu.RA AA .uaieoaa.a.aeePeiOGRME, aiя a.e.. eeeii a.Ц nn iiЦ nni.ou. een uя a.. : Spotlight mode :.a.eioУ iiinaauaie. i.i.aei.ia Recording a subject spotlighted on a stage or at aiiiauУ Ѓ iiii iueaci. ee.. nя aaanaaa aao,ane wedding ceremony, etc.o. ..naaeeя aaaaУ iie. eeee a.iЃ iii : Soft portrait mode :..aeeeii.o.aoiue.a.ei To record aci. een.e. •A still subject such as a person or flower iaieiaХ ..,aЄ ee•iau.я aaeao,iiae.У iiia •A softened picture eioaa. eee eя aaaie. •A person in clearer flesh tonesaaciя a.•У ii.e i...ћ aaee.ioiaoeoя aainuo.aeoeo•a.eiaя aaea : Sports lesson mode Capturing high-speed action in sports such as :.a.eioci.ee nii.eaiuoo golf or tennis a Ё eeeaonaа uuioУ iiiiaЦ nnnЄ ee.ouinaee.e. iuЇ eeai.iaaniХ .... eeoao,iuo ia. eeoeЄ eei,aa : Beach & Ski mode oaЃ iien Recording a person in a place such as on the beach or in the ski slopes where there is a lot of : .e..iue e eu.iue .a.ei reflection iieao a я .a.nuУ iioaia,aeя aaaei. . eeniac .e. i aiЛЇ e..eiieя aaano, ,, nя .aeaeЃЯІ iaiaiiii.Є ee. : Sunset & Moon mode anaaoi.ao.У iiaЃ iiaiУ iiiaia.iuaaeneiia, Recording sunset, night views, fireworks or neon signs :.a.einieieoiu coiae iaeiaЃ iiiaoe,ico,Я an. ee.e c..unaЯ aaaici. : Landscape mode .я aaeeaЃ iiiУ iioaueo. eeeaя aaaХ ..eia Recording a landscape through a window or wire net :.aiaoaooiue.a.ei e.ie. eeeaeeiя aao cin.o..ia Я aaieocnoaУ iii. aeoi.e.io Using the PROGRAM AE function .niieuciaaiea ooieoee PROGRAM AE Using the PROGRAM AE function .niieuciaaiea ooieoee PROGRAM AE eoieone.iaee Notes on focus setting ..eiaie.onoiiaeaiЛ ..nuaooe, modes, you cannot take close-ups because the nioaoiя ..iaЇ eeo. eeЛ ..iii •In the Spotlight, Sports lesson and Beach & Ski •.aeХ ..У iiaie.aЃУ я aiiiiiaa.i.ecЃ iieа uueii camcorder is set to focus only on subjects in the i..я aaaeЯ aaaФ ii.. Ѓ ioioiiІ ii einooа uuieeui, middle to far distance. ia eeoУ iiuoя aaa.Ц . enne.oУ iiтЄ eeooai.Я aaaЄ ee •In the Sunset & Moon and Landscape modes, eЯ aa.ii iaaieaue i.я aaainuuaioea the camcorder is set to focus only on distant •.ac. eeooУ iiui ..ioeЯ aanieeЯ aa subjects. eaoeѕ oooaЄ eeХ ..aoя aa. iaaaiУ iiiІ iieт ooЦ nniauuaeo.oaeЃ iiuя aaia eeУ iiou Using the PROGRAM AE function .niieuciaaiea ooieoee PROGRAM AE (1) While the camcorder is in recording or Standby mode, press PROGRAM AE. .a.eiaa(1iaio.. eenoa)ieiя aa.Я aa.aia (2) Turn the CONTROL dial so that the symbol of ia.aoУ iiaiiine. eeeeee. ooca,ain the desired PROGRAM AE mode matches the PORME RGA AA. indicator on the LCD scre...