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Downloads : 0   Arquivo Tamanho: 2 mb   Fabricante : Sears  
Categoria : Benzo e serras

hourso1 operation., whichm,er is lest,. 11. +Reinstall the ca,_uretor cover anti tigl_ten the cm_OUretercover screw's. tCAUTZON:I To=void arc•ling I tim hazm_ do not t2. Che._ the Operation of the Choke. USegasoline oranyother/'_qnmableliquidtoclean t_filter. 1. Clean off the caVour•tot coveranU the area around it to keep dirt and sawdust fromfall. ing into tP_ecarburetor chamber when the cover is removed. 2. Remove fhecarburetor coverscrewsan€ car. COVER SCREW buretor cover. Rgum36. 3. Putl out

Downloads : 0   Arquivo Tamanho: 6 mb   Fabricante : Sears  
Categoria : Benzo e serras

ML JENKINS JUN 2 9 Î967 -- ......-..........— MODEL WtJfftiER 113,29410 ....... The Model Number will be found on 0 plate attached to your saw, at the left side of the base. Always mention the Model Number in all iiorrtsijorttieiice regarding he CRAFTSMAN ACCRA-ARM RADIAL SAW 01 when ordering repair pcrtb. Carefully reed the instructions provided, observe the sim pie safety precautions and you will have many hours of satisfactory use from your new Craftsman tool. ------ —........ now fo ORD

Downloads : 11   Arquivo Tamanho: 519 kb   Fabricante : Sears  
Categoria : Benzo e serras

C944.414460 - ---18 in. Bar S SSSS Safety S SSSS Assembly S SSSS Operation S SSSS Maintenance S SSSS Parts List WARNING: Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before first use of this product. Sears Canada, Inc., Toronto, Ontario M5B 2B8 530164939 3/12/04 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Warranty Statement 2 Identification of Symbols 2 Safety Rules 3 Assembly 7 Operation 7 Maintenance 14 Service and Adjustments 17 Storage 19 Troubleshooting Table 20 Emissions Statement 22 Parts List Cen

Downloads : 0   Arquivo Tamanho: 2 mb   Fabricante : Sears  
Categoria : Benzo e serras

358.155063 2.3116" C'y'& ,1_Y_RNJNG: Carefully reed the follow oper_Ir_ r-_' ledo so€=mresultInswflotm In|_. i ii i i = 2.3/16" CVA 2.3/18" CVA GASOLtNECHAIN S/ WS Recor_ in the space provided betow the Model NO._ttldSerialNo. of your Saw. These numbers are 5:.ai_ on the starting mSt_ctzons (_eCaL M_e( No, Serial No, Ret=n tBese numt:ers for future reference. Se,u .'_.}_x,l)t zck _tzz(I( "=_. CI zR'_tC_). IlL 606_ U.S.A. 530.,068,,qI 2.1.0&r2Cu_2 ....... q i illllllllU lU ii i ..................

Downloads : 1   Arquivo Tamanho: 2 mb   Fabricante : Sears  
Categoria : Benzo e serras

USE THE FOXING ONLY: • 3.2 oz, 40:1.2._ycte air €oolec_engine oil to I gel. gasoline OR 8 o_. 40:1. 2-cycle air Cooled engine oilto 2.5 gal. g_sotine. (40 parts gasoline to 1 pan oil) :._-..,,'-.,--.-.-................. - SEARS 2-c_Ie engine oilmrxe:Jaz_0:1 _ s_"_,_jy recomm_nC_cL tf SEARS 2-tyPe engine Oil is not available, use a goo_q_dity, 2.cycJeengine o1_m_-_ = a ra_o o_ 16:1 (8 OZ. Oil I_ I gallon gas,oline). 4. DO NOT USE= • NMMA OR --Nltlonlt M_fine Menufac_urers _ltton (formerly 8_) Doe

Downloads : 0   Arquivo Tamanho: 4 mb   Fabricante : Sears  
Categoria : Benzo e serras

Breaking in a New Saw Chain A new chain and bar will need chain readjustment after as few as 5 cuts. This is normal during the break-in period, and the interval between future adjustments will begin to lengthen quickly. Chain Lubrication Always make sure the automatic oiler system is working properly. Keep the oil reservoir filled with Chain, Bar and Sprocket Oil. Adequate lubrication of the bar and chain during cutting oper ations is essential to minimize friction with the guide bar. Never star

Downloads : 30   Arquivo Tamanho: 3 mb   Fabricante : Sears  
Categoria : Benzo e serras

66371-1-12084-2-17884 PRINTEDINU.S.A. FULL ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON GASOLINE CHAIN SAW (Excluding Bar, Chain, Spark Plug, Air Filter and Starter Rope) For one year from date of purchase, when you maintainl lubricate,'and tune up this chain saw according to the operating _:_ and maintenance instructions in the owner's manual, Sears will repair defects in material or workmanship in this gasoline chain saw at no charge. This warranty excJudes the bar, chain, spark plug, air filter, and starter rope whi

Downloads : 7   Arquivo Tamanho: 3 mb   Fabricante : Sears  
Categoria : Benzo e serras

!5 C. BUCKING Bucking is the term used for.cutting a fallen tree to the desired log size. 1. IMPORTANT POINTS a. Cut only one log at a time. b. Cut shattered wood very carefuilyl Sharp pieces of wood could be flung toward the operator. c. Use a sawhorse to cut small logs. Never allow another person to hold the log while cutting and neverholdthe logwithyourlegorfoot. d. Give special attention to logs under strain to prevent the saw from pinching. Make the first cut Onthe compression side to relie
