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Categoria : Cortadores de grama

2. GASOHOL – It can cause deterioration of rubber and/or plastic parts and disruption of engine lubrication. 3. OIL FOR 4-CYCLE ENGINE USE or WATER COOLED 2-CYCLE ENGINE USE – It can cause spark plug fouling, exhaust port blocking, or piston ring sticking. 4. Mixed fuels which have been left unused for a period of one month or more may clog the carburetor or result in the engine failing to operate properly. . 8. Operation The RedMax stick edger Model HE2601 is designed for edging lawn in gardens

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Categoria : Cortadores de grama

Blade length ···································································································································7.87 (200) in (mm) Use for ·················································································································································· Lawn edging Specifications are subject to change without notice. US-3 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 15m (50ft) (1) Read owner's manual before operating this machine. (2) Wear head, eye and

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Categoria : Cortadores de grama

7. Under no circumstances should you ever take apart the product or alter it in any way. Doing so might result in the product becoming damaged during operation or the product becoming unable to operate properly. ¦ Disposal When disposing your machine, fuel or oil for the machine, be sure to allow your local regulations. US-8 HEZ2450S/HEZ3050S 6. Set up (B) (A) SE1 SE2 ¦ MOUNTING OTHER PARTS 1. Insert the driveshaft into the clutch drum, then attach the gearbox to the shaft tube as aligning the p

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Categoria : Cortadores de grama

For safe operation starts. Make sure the throttle is at idle position. Never place the throttle into the high speed position or half throttle position (throttle lock position) when starting the engine. 3. After starting the engine, check to make sure that the cutting attachment stops rotating when the throttle is moved fully back to its original position (idle position). If it continues to rotate even after the throttle has been moved fully back, turn off the engine and take the unit to your aut

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Categoria : Cortadores de grama

output ························································································ 1.15Hp (0.858kW) at 8000 min-1(rpm) Idle speed····················································································································· 3000±200 min-1(rpm) Fuel ··················································································································· Mixture(Gasoline 50 : Oil 1) ······································································

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Categoria : Cortadores de grama

Tool Kit ·················································································································································· 1 pc. ¦ HEZ3060S Overall size(LxWxH) ············································································· 73.0 (1855) x 9.5 (240) x 13.2 (335) in (mm) Dry weight w/o acc. ······················································································································ 15.5 (7.03) lbs (kg) Engine Type············

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Categoria : Cortadores de grama

2. Never smoke while operating the unit or refilling its fuel tank. 3. When refilling the tank, always turn off the engine and allow it to cool down. Take a careful look around to make sure that there are no sparks or open flames anywhere nearby before refueling. 4. Wipe spilled fuel completely using a dry rag if any fuel spillage occurs during refueling. 5. After refueling, screw the fuel cap back tightly onto the fuel tank and then carry the unit to a spot 10 feet (3m) or more away from where

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Categoria : Cortadores de grama

4. Les melanges d’huile et de carburants laisses au repos pendant une periode d’un mois ou plus risquent serieusement d’encrasser le carburateur et d’entrainer par consequent une defaillance du moteur. 5. Dans l’eventualite d’une longue periode d’inactivite, nettoyer le reservoir de carburant apres l’avoir vidange. Allumer ensuite le moteur et vider le melange d’essence du carburateur. 6. En cas de mise au rebut du recipient contenant le melange d’huile, en disposer toujours dans une decharge au

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Categoria : Cortadores de grama

5. Placer une etiquette assez grande sur le recipient afin d’eviter de le confondre avec de l’essence ou avec d’autres recipients. 6. Indiquer les composants sur cette etiquette afin d’en faciliter l’identification. ¦ REMPLISSAGE DU RESERVOIR 1. Devisser puis retirer le bouchon de carburant. Deposer ce bouchon sur une surface non poussiereuse. 2. Remplir le reservoir de carburant a 80% de sa capacite totale. 3. Visser fermement le bouchon du reservoir et essuyer toute eventuelle eclaboussure d’e

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Categoria : Cortadores de grama

¦ WORKING CIRCUMSTANCE 1. Never start the engine inside a closed room or building. Exhaust gases contain dangerous carbon monoxide. 2. Never use the product, a. when the ground is slippery or when you can’t maintain a steady posture. b. At night, at times of heavy fog, or at any other times when your field of vision might be limited and it would be difficult to gain a clear view of the working area. c. During rain storms, during lightning storms, at times of strong or gale-force winds, or at any
