por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
If a newer version is available, the Update HSS or Copy HSS Files actions also allow you to
update HSS files for the system you are logged on to. Both the Update HSS and Copy HSS
Files actions copy and rename the specified HSS file from C:\HSS\T8004\vproc id
\HPILDR.efi to C:\Images\NBsystem serial number.efi on the system console. Update
HSS also prompts you to reset all blades after the file copy/rename, whereas Copy HSS Files
does not. Repeat the process for each system on the LAN. For more information, see the OSM
Low-Level Link online help.
While it is important that all processors in the system are running the same version
of HSS firmware, upgrading HSS firmware on the system can have repercussions on the system
firmware. Before upgrading HSS firmware on the system, be sure to check valid system firmware
and HSS combinations for your system type in the NonStop Firmware Matrices document to
ensure that you are not creating an incompatibility between system and HSS firmware.
Whether or not you updated or copied HSS files in Step 1, check the C:\Images directory on
the system console to make sure there is an HSS file for each NonStop system on the
maintenance LAN (dedicated service LAN) in the form NBsystem serial number.efi.
To determine the serial number for a system, you can log on to the OSM Low-Level
Link and check the System Serial Number attribute, located under the System object.
If no such file exists for one or more applicable NonStop systems – or, if you did not use one
of the Low-Level Link actions and are not sure whether the firmware files in the C:\Images
directory are of the desired HSS version – log on to each of those systems in turn with the
OSM Low-Level and use the Copy HSS Files action to create an HSS file of the appropriate
version for each system. Only after you have verified that for each NonStop system configured
on the maintenance LAN (dedicated service LAN) there is a corresponding HSS firmware in
C:\Images named NBsystem serial number.efi should you invoke the NonStop
Maintenance LAN DHCP DNS Configuration Wizard.
Disabling DHCP, DNS, and BOOTP on NonStop System Consoles
After completing the steps under Preparing to Migrate BOOTP to CLIMs , use the NonStop
Maintenance LAN DHCP DNS Configuration Wizard to disable BOOTP/DHCP/DNS server
functionality on the NonStop system consoles.
This step only disables DHCP, DNS, and BOOTP services on the specified system
consoles, and does not enable them on the CLIMs. After completing this step, you must complete
the next steps for Enabling DHCP, DNS, and BOOTP on CLIMs.
The sequence of actions required depends on whether or not the NonStop Maintenance LAN DHCP
DNS Configuration Wizard was used previously to configure services from these NonStop system
consoles. You will ultimately perform the Disable the saved DHCP and DNS configuration action to
disable those services on the system consoles; however, start by referring to the “Guide to Using
the NonStop Maintenance LAN DHCP DNS Configuration Wizard” section of the online help to
Disabling DHCP, DNS, and BOOTP on NonStop System Consoles