por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
5257 digital linear
5257/5257ACL Installation and Users Guide.
tape (Super DLT)
5258ACL digital
5258/5258ACL Installation and Users Guide.
linear tape (Super
DLT) drive
5259 digital linear
L700 (CTL700) Installation and Operations Guide (located
tape (Super DLT)
in the Hardware Service and Maintenance Publications
drive in L700 tape
category of the Support and Service library). Contact your
service provider.
9490 cartridge tape
9490 documentation is shipped with the tape drive.
9840 cartridge tape
9840 (CT9840-3) Installation and User's Guide for
drive in tape
the NonStop S-Series Tape Enclosure (located in the
Hardware Service and Maintenance Publications category
of the Support and Service library). Contact your service
9840 cartridge tape
L700 (CTL700) Installation and Operations Guide (located
drive in L700 tape
in the Hardware Service and Maintenance Publications
category of the Support and Service library). Contact your
service provider.
9840 cartridge tape
Documentation is shipped with the tape drive. Contact your
drive in 9310 tape
service provider.
9840 cartridge tape
9840 (CT9840-2) Installation Guide for the 9710 ACS
drive in 9710 tape
(located in the Hardware Service and Maintenance
Publications category of the Support and Service library).
Contact your service provider.
9840 fibre channel
9840 (CT9840FC-3) Installation and User's Guide for the
tape drive in tape
NonStop S-Series Tape Enclosure.
9840 fibre channel
L700 (CTL700) Installation and Operations Guide (located
cartridge tape drive
in the Hardware Service and Maintenance Publications
in L700 tape library
category of the Support and Service library). Contact your
service provider.
N1522A G2 SCSI
SL500 (M852x) Tape Library Installation and Users Guide
tape drive in an
(located in the Hardware Service and Maintenance
SL500 midrange
Publications category of the Support and Service library).
tape library
Contact your service provider.