por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
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HP SNA 3270 Application Services,
SPD 38.70.08
Version 1.4
the Optional Products section of this Software Product
DECforms for 3270 Terminals (OpenVMS Only)
HP SNA 3270 Application Services provides support for
the DECforms (Version 1.4) product to enable the de-
velopment of forms-oriented applications that can be ac-
Print Symbiont (OpenVMS Only)
cessed by SNA networked 3270 terminal and PC users.
These DECforms applications can be developed with-
The 3270 Application Services software provides a 3270
out knowledge of 3270 Data Stream, SNA, or the Com-
OpenVMS print symbiont for printing local ASCII files on
paq SNA Application Services software. DECforms is
an SNA-attached LU Type 1 or Type 3 printer or a non-
Compaq’s implementation of the ANSI/ISO standard for
SNA-attached LU Type 0 printer from an OpenVMS print
a Form Interface Management System (FIMS). Refer
to the DECforms Software Product Description (SPD
29.90.xx) for additional information.
The 3270 OpenVMS print symbiont allows system man-
agers to initiate and start OpenVMS print queues. Users
Application Testing Tools
can print files on SNA-attached printers. The following
The HP SNA Domain Gateway is required for 3270 ac-
features are available for OpenVMS users:
cess; however, a 3270 Terminal Emulator provides a
method for preliminary testing of incoming sessions by
• Burst, flag, and trailer pages
emulating the SLU side of a session. For example, test-
ing can be done with the HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emu-
• Print form specification
lator for OpenVMS (SPD 26.84.xx) or the HP DECwin-
dows SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS (SPD
• Automatic session establishment, retry on error
The HP SNA 3270 Application Services SNALOG trace
• LU Type 1 printer console commands
utility provides debugging facilities to debug applications
layered on HP SNA 3270 Application Services.
• DCL queue management commands
Thread Safe
Other features of the print symbiont include:
Under Tru64 UNIX, the interface is fully thread safe and
can be used by a multithreaded program.
• Prints all types of sequential RMS files, including
FORTRAN and Print file types, except for non-PRN
VFC files.
Installation services from HP are recommended for
• Data can be sent to the printer untranslated and un-
a customer’s first purchase of this software product.
formatted. This is useful if the printer is an ASCII
These services provide for installation of the software
printer attached to the SNA network. This is sup-
product by an experienced software specialist.
ported only for LU Type 1 printers.
• The symbiont can either pass through escape se-
quences or strip them out.
Processors Supported
• Translation can be controlled on a queue-by-queue
basis. In this way, sites that need to use multiple
For a complete list of supported processors, refer to the
translation tables are accommodated.
OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and VAX Soft-
ware Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) and the Tru64
UNIX Operating System Software Product Description
• Certain IBM applications keep the printers bound un-
(SPD 41.60.xx for Tru64 UNIX V4.x; SPD 70.70.xx for
less they get a NOTIFY indication in the C(D)INIT.
Tru64 U V5.x).
Connections are now queued until the application un-
• The symbiont uses the FORM qualifier to set the size
of the margins. Text that goes beyond those margins
is truncated.