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HP GKS for OpenVMS
SPD 42.60.09
PEX Support
Each output primitive has an associated set of attributes
that control the primitive’s appearance. Attributes can
HP GKS supports output to the DIGITAL implementa-
be defined in groups (bundles) or individually. Some
tion of PEX Ver- sion 5.0 and PEX Version 5.1 servers.
examples of attributes are:
For OpenVMS Alpha, the PEX server extension and the
PEXlib object library are available as part of the Open3D
Line Type
The style of a line, for example, dotted or
for OpenVMS Alpha product.
Line Width
The width of the line.
Output Modes
The color of a primitive. You can select
one of the predefined colors or specify
With HP GKS, you can describe a graphical object us-
the red, green, and blue intensities
ing either segments or immediate mode. A segment is
required to define a particular color on
a set of output primitives that are created, manipulated,
color devices.
and deleted as a group, but are not modifiable. HP GKS
Character At-
Text attributes, including font, charac-
manages segments internally and automatically redraws
ter spacing, height, angle, path, and
them if the display is damaged (for example, if the dis-
play window is obscured and then exposed).
Viewing Operations
In immediate mode, primitives are rendered directly to
HP GKS allows you to specify views of three-
the display surface without being stored internally in HP
dimensional objects and define the "working" or world
GKS. This mode is useful when graphical data is tem-
coordinate system used in these views. World coordi-
porary, or will be refreshed by the application.
nates can have any scale. For example, one application
Output Primitives
might have a maximum range from 0 to 1000.0; another
application might limit the range from 0.01 to 0.1.
HP GKS provides a variety of output primitives for creat-
ing basic two-dimensional and three-dimensional graph-
You can control multiple, simultaneous views of the
ics. These primitives are:
same objects on one or more display surfaces, as well
as the position and size of the image on the surface. For
Cell Array
A rectangular image specified by a two-
example, one application program can display an image
dimensional array of rectangular color
of a cube in one window on a workstation, and at the
cells on a plane arbitrarily placed in
same time, the program can display a detail of the back
three-dimensional space.
of the cube in another window (on another workstation,
Fill Area
A polygonal area that can be hollow or
if required).
filled with a uniform color, a pattern, or a
hatch style. The edges of the area are
Control Functions
not defined and cannot be controlled.
Control functions are used to perform system man-
Fill Area Set
A set of polygonal areas with holes or
disjointed regions that are treated as a
agement tasks related to the HP GKS environment,
single entity. These areas can be hollow
the workstation environment, and the graphics display.
or filled with a uniform color, patterns, or
These tasks include turning HP GKS on and off when re-
hatch styles. Control of edge attributes is
quested by the application, directing the flow of graphics
data to logical output devices and managing the picture
A primitive providing access to drawing
Drawing Primi-
capabilities of graphics devices not used
tive (GDP)
by the other primitives listed here; circles
Inquiry Functions
and arcs are two common GDPs.
HP GKS includes a complete set of inquiry functions.
A set of connected lines defined by a
These functions are used to obtain information about
series of points and having line type, line
width, and color attributes defined.
the HP GKS state, segment storage, workstation capa-
One or more symbols that can mark
bilities, or the workstation state. This information is es-
significant points in a display and have
sential for developing modular, device-independent pro-
type, size, scale, and color attributes
Escape Functions
A character string at a given position in
world coordinates. This string can be in
Escape functions are included with HP GKS to enable
8-bit or 16-bit format, and can be dis-
access to functionality not provided in the GKS stan-
played in a variety of fonts, orientations,
dard. The HP GKS escape functions include:
sizes, and colors. Text size is affected by
Double buffering control
Background pixmap control