por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
SPD 56.33.10
• Support for Euro currency symbol.
The release notes for the PATHWORKS 32 components
are translated and available on line as follows:
PowerTerm 525 Terminal Emulator
ROM’s top-level directory contains the Network Con-
PATHWORKS 32 software includes the PowerTerm 525
nectivity release notes.
terminal emulator. The PowerTerm 525 terminal emula-
• NOTES_xx.TXT (where xx indicates the specific
tor lets users establish up to 10 terminal sessions with
language) in the PATHWORKS 32 CD-ROM’s
a remote host computer.
\Xcursion\Xcursion\Common\ directory contains the
eXcursion Release Notes.
The PowerTerm 525 terminal emulator supports a wide
range of text terminals — up to VT525. PowerTerm
525 is rich in features, including an enhanced cut-and-
\PTW\INTEL or \PTW\ALPHA directory contains the
paste capability, automatic change in font size after a
PowerTerm 525 Release Notes.
change in screen size, graphical keyboard mapping, and
file transfer options.
A summary of new PATHWORKS 32 features (WHAT-
SNEW.TXT file) is available on line in the PATHWORKS
The PowerTerm 525 terminal emulator:
32 CD-ROM’s top-level directory.
• Works with the 32-bit implementations of Telnet, LAT,
and CTERM supplied with PATHWORKS 32 and also
supports direct connections to COM ports.
All PATHWORKS 32 components are available in Amer-
ican English. Many PATHWORKS 32 components are
• Supports the storage and retrieval of passwords from
translated into three additional languages: French, Ger-
a secure local location to log on to the host. The
man, and Czech — with separate executable variants
user enters the log-on information once. The Pass-
for each language.
word Assistant facility in PATHWORKS 32 software
provides this single-logon support.
Some components were implemented using the Multilin-
gual Application model, in which one executable version
• Includes scripting facilities that enable the automa-
of the component allows dynamic switching of the user
tion of frequently executed functions. The PowerT-
interface language and character set. The user selects
erm 525 software provides backward compatibility
the language from a menu, and the interface changes
with scripting commands from the VT320 application,
formerly included in PATHWORKS 32, in addition to
supplying a more powerful scripting language.
The following components provide dynamic switching of
• Uses standard Windows features (pull-down menus,
dialog boxes, scroll bars).
• eXcursion1
• Supports the Euro currency symbol.
• Password Assistant
• PowerTerm 5252
Though not dynamically switchable, translated versions
of online Help are provided for most other PATHWORKS
Context-sensitive online documentation for individual
32 components. You can install these translated files by
components is available from Help buttons and Help
running PATHWORKS 32 Setup with a command line
topics in the user interface.
switch. For more information, see the information on
installing local language versions in the PATHWORKS
In addition, the PATHWORKS Information Shelf pro-
32 Installation Guide.
vides access to the online Help for Network Connectivity
components. The Information Shelf includes:
In addition, the PATHWORKS 32 Installation Guide can
be ordered in American English, Czech, French, and
• A master contents, index, and search capability.
German. The PATHWORKS 32 eXcursion User’s Guide
can be ordered in American English, French, and Ger-
• Introductory information.
• Comprehensive list and description of client mes-
sages. Message descriptions are translated.
• Additional Help topics such as Application Program-
1 Translated into French and German only. The eXcursion Release Notes are also
ming Interfaces and Managing DECnet Nodes.
translated into French and German.
2 PowerTerm Release Notes are also translated into French, German, and Czech.