por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS V1.6
• HP C for OpenVMS Alpha and I64
Existing Motif Release 1.2.3 applications on Alpha and
I64 do not need to be recompiled or relinked to run in the
In addition, C header files supplied by The Open Group
CDE environment. In addition, it is possible to achieve
have been modified to work with HP C++. Pascal and
basic integration of existing applications into CDE with-
Fortran bindings are included in the DECwindows Motif
out making changes to the application source code.
kit; Motif ‘‘strongly typed’’ language bindings for Ada are
available in the HP Ada for OpenVMS Alpha layered
DECwindows Extensions to Motif
product. (Ada language bindings were not updated for
HP DECwindows Motif Version 1.3-1, V1.5 or V1.6)
The DECwindows Motif product adds value to the stan-
dard Motif Toolkit by including a library that contains
For additional programming support, the
a set of HP developed widgets and run-time routines
DECW$EXAMPLES directory includes the following
not available from The Open Group. The following wid-
programming examples:
gets provide a common DECwindows interface for some
commonly used DECwindows functions:
• Motif widget set examples
• A Color Mix widget that enables users to select and
• X11R4 and X11R5 programming examples (Xlib ex-
mix colors using a variety of color models.
• A Compound String Text widget that provides support
• HP supplied examples
for international character sets as well as left-to-right
character sets.
The following sections describe the programming sup-
port libraries.
• A Help widget that allows applications to display ap-
propriate Help text in a consistent manner. This
Standard X Window System Libraries
widget is provided for backward compatibility with
DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.0 and
The X Window System compatible X programming li-
has been superseded by the DECwindows Motif help
brary (Xlib) provided by DECwindows Motif supplies ba-
sic resource management (windows, color maps, input
devices) and bitmap graphics services. It defines a
• A Print widget that allows applications to print files in
mapping of the X network protocol to a procedure li-
a consistent manner.
• A Structured Visual Navigation (SVN) widget used by
The X Window System Intrinsics library support contains
applications to display hierarchical information.
the X.Org Release 6 (R6) Intrinsics (X Toolkit). The X
The run-time routines include three DECwindows Motif
Toolkit provides low-level routines that allow the creation
help system calls that enable users to display online
of user interface objects called widgets.
help files using Bookreader.
Motif User Interface Programming Support
CDA Programming Support
The Motif style concepts are implemented by the Mo-
The CDA Toolkit provides access routines that applica-
tif Toolkit. DECwindows Motif contains both the Mo-
tions can use to create, read, and write files contain-
tif and XUI Toolkits. Although programming support is
ing compound text, graphics, and imaging data. These
not available for previous releases, application run-time
files provide a vehicle for recording this information on
support is provided for Motif Release 1.2.5 (CDE Motif
disk, a medium for interchange of this data between
1.0) and Motif Release 1.2.3, Release 1.2.2, and Re-
applications, and an intermediate form from which high-
lease 1.1.3 Toolkits, as well as for the XUI Toolkit.
resolution printable graphics data can be generated.
The Motif toolkit is based on the X Toolkit Intrinsics and
XUI to Motif Porting Tools
contains three components:
HP provides tools to aid programmers in porting appli-
• Motif widgets and gadgets for implementing common
cations to Motif. These tools replace occurrences of
user interface objects, such as scroll bars, menus,
XUI names in the input source file with the correct Motif
and push buttons
• Utility routines that provide applications with func-
DECwindows X11 Display Server for OpenVMS
tions for performing common tasks, such as cutting
and pasting
X Window System standards supported as part of
• Resource manager routines for loading user inter-
DECwindows Motif include the X11 network protocol,
face definition files and creating widgets and gadgets
a base set of workstation fonts, the C language bind-
based on the contents of the definition files
ing for the Xlib progammng library, and the C language
binding for the X Toolkit libary.