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6 General encryption troubleshooting
General errors and conditions
A backup fails because the LUN is always in the initialize
Use one of two resolutions:
state for the tape container.
• Load the old master key on the switch at an alternate location. The key
Tape media is encrypted and gets a key which is archived
for the tape media can then be decrypted.
in the key vault. The key is encrypted with a master key. At a • Delete the key for the tape media from the key vault. This forces the
later point in time you generate a new master key. You
switch to create a new key for the tape media.
decide to use this tape media to back up other data. You
Until you start the backup, the LUN remains in “initialize” state.
rewind the tape, erase the tape, relabel the tape, and start
a backup from the start of the tape. When the first
command comes from the host, the key vault is queried for
the tape media based on the media serial number. Since
this tape media was used previously, the key is already
present in the key vault for this media serial number but
this key is encrypted with the old master key and that
master key is not present in the switch. You cannot create a
new key for this tape media because, per policy, there can
be only one key per media.
“Invalid certificate” error message received when doing a
Use one of two resolutions:
KAC certificate exchange between the Brocade Encryption
• Change the appliance time to match the start period of the KAC
Switch and a key management system appliance. This error
is due to the Brocade Encryption Switch time being ahead
of the appliance time.
Change the Brocade Encryption Switch time to synchronize with the
appliance time.
Upon completion, regenerate the KAC certificate and then do another KAC
certificate exchange with the appliance.
“Temporarily out of resources” message received during
Rekey or first-time encryption sessions are pending due to resource
rekey or first time encryption.
unavailability. A maximum of 10 sessions including rekey (manual or auto)
and first time encryption sessions are supported per encryption switch or
blade and two sessions per target. The system checks once every hour to
determine, if there are any rekey or first time encryption sessions pending. If
resources are available, the next session in the queue is processed. There
may be up to an hour lag before the next session in the queue is processed. It
is therefore recommended that you do not schedule more than 12 rekey or
first time encryption sessions.
HA cluster creation fails with error, Create HA cluster status: The IP addresses for the I/O link ports should be configured before enabling
The IO link IP address of the encryption engine (online) is
the encryption engine. Failure to do so results in unsuccessful HA Cluster
not configured, even though both the addresses are set
creation. If the IP addresses for these ports were configured after the
and accessible.
encryption engine is enabled, reboot the encryption switch or
slotpoweroff/slotpoweron the encryption blade to sync up the IP address
information to the encryption engine.
Rekeying fails with error “Disabled (Key not in sync)”.
Rekeying was started on a remote encryption engine but the local encryption
engine is not capable of starting rekey because the key returned from key
vault does not match with the Key ID used by remote encryption engine. You
will need to re-enable the LUN after the keys are synced between two key
vaults properly using the needs to cryptocfg --discoverLUN
cryptocfg --commit fails with message “Default zone set
Default zoning must be set to no access.
to all access at one of nodes in EG.”
When a Brocade 7600 application platform is in the data
There is no workaround other than reconfiguring so that the 7600 and the
path, I/O errors may be encountered before reaching the
encryption switch/blade are not in the same data path.
scalability limit of 512 LUNs with 16 outstanding I/Os.
Fabric OS Encryption Administrator’s Guide (SKM/ESKM)
dados de dispositivos de processamento - HP SN6000 Stackable 8Gb 24-port Single Power Fibre Channel Switch (5.87 mb)