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HP Archive Backup System
SPD 48.16.27
for OpenVMS Version 4.4
• HP Archive Backup System for OpenVMS Man-
– External
agement Tools (ABS OMT): ABS OMT provides a
subset of the full functionality of ABS. ABS OMT is a
The ABS OMT license includes one ABS OMT server
product offered within the OpenVMS Enterprise Inte-
license and one ABS Windows 2000/XP client license.
gration Package (EIP) and sold as a separate prod-
Additional Tru64 UNIX and Windows 2000/XP client li-
censes are qualified. ABS OMT uses the default archive
and execution class that can be modified. Additional
ABS/MDMS Server for OpenVMS
archive and execution classes cannot be defined. ABS
ABS/MDMS Server for OpenVMS software provides
OMT qualifies only one file catalog.
ABS full operational modes, as previously described,
to the nodes or OpenVMS Cluster on which ABS is ex-
Qualified Devices
A node or OpenVMS Cluster executing ABS/MDMS
The following libraries and loaders have been tested and
server software provides backup policy management
qualified by Storage Management Solutions (SMS) En-
services for self and for OpenVMS, Windows 2000/XP,
gineering. However, SMS Engineering does not test
and Tru64 UNIX client nodes connected to it. At least
each of the devices with every possible combination
one ABS/MDMS server license is required in the net-
of controllers and host systems. Because ABS and
work; two are recommended to ensure failover capabil-
HP Media Robot Utility (MRU) run in common environ-
ments, these combinations are tested first with MRU.
Upon successful completion of the MRU tests, ABS is
ABS/MDMS server software manages the catalogs
then tested in representative configurations. Note that
that record information about user files backed up or
MRU is not a prerequisite for ABS.
archived under ABS/MDMS control at the local node.
Therefore, to determine if your specific configuration has
ABS/MDMS Client for OpenVMS
been qualified, follow these steps:
ABS/MDMS Client for OpenVMS software provides
backup and archiving operations for the OpenVMS node
1. If you have a tape drive that is not software-defined
or OpenVMS Cluster on which it is executing. It also
as a jukebox (is not a library or a loader device),
acts as a client of another node executing ABS/MDMS
reference the OpenVMS Software Product Descrip-
server software when it requires policy information.
tion (SPD #25.01.xx) to determine if your tape drive
is qualified for your platform and controller/adapter
Windows 2000/XP and Tru64 UNIX Client
A Windows 2000/XP or Tru64 UNIX Client license al-
lows backup scheduling and archiving services for the
2. If your device is software-defined as a jukebox (it is a
Windows 2000/XP or Tru64 UNIX client node configured
library or loader device), first check the following list
within the ABS software environment.
to determine if it is tested by the Media Manager. If
the device is listed, read the following instructions:
ABS OMT licenses a subset of the ABS features. The
a. Check the OpenVMS Software Product Descrip-
following lists the features that are NOT implemented
tion (SPD #25.01.xx) to make sure the tape
for ABS OMT:
drive(s) in your library/loader are qualified for your
platform and controller/adapter combination.
• OpenVMS Clients
• Tape devices using RDF
b. Check the MRU Software Product Description
(SPD #64.44.xx) to make sure your library/loader
• Creation of storage and environment policies
is qualified by MRU for your specific controller
/adapter combination.
• Save requests scheduling options except the follow-
3. Assuming your device is correctly connected and
– On demand - (ON_DEMAND)
configured, it should then work with ABS and its
– Weekly full/daily incremental -
For the list of qualified devices, refer to Table 1, List
– One time only - (ONE_TIME_ONLY)
of Qualified Devices. If you have devices that are not
listed, they might still have been qualified. HP contin-
• StorageTek silos and DCSC Jukeboxes
ually tests its software on additional devices that may
• Scheduling options:
have been released since the last publication of this
SPD. If you need any clarification about a particular de-
– Scheduler
vice, contact HP customer support.