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However, data created on system software V1.60 or earlier can be loaded into a system that is running system software V1.62. Supplementary explanations • Panel display of unit names When you turn on the UNIT NAME button, the short name of the input channel is now displayed without change for 2TR IN, TB, and EFF RTN (which are not Units). • Auto-naming function for input channels Even if you did not input the highlighted “U” character in the short name field, the port (UNIT) was displayed if

JOB TABLE (1) PERFORMANCE PLAY MODE VOICE PLAY MODE CS Assign View Voice Control Edit 1: Oscillator 2: Amplitude EG 1: AEG Level & Rate 2: Level Scaling 3: Sensitivity AEG Data Copy 3: Filter 1: Type, Cutoff Frequency 2: Cutoff, Scaling 3: FEG Level & Rate 4: Filter Sensitivity Filter Data Copy 4: Pitch EG 1: Level & Rate 2: Range, Sensitivity Pitch EG Data Copy 5: LFO 1: LFO 2: LFO Speed Sensitivity LFO Data Copy 6: Controller 1: Pitch Bend Range 2: Modulation Wheel Depth 3: Foot Controller 4:

These preset programs are dedicated to Add-On Effects. The numbers for effects programs that do not have Add-On Effects installed are grayed-out and cannot be used. The following effects programs in the Effects library have been dedicated to the new Add-On Effects Packages. No. Preset name Type 54 Max100 MAX100 55 Vintage Phaser VNTG PHASER 56 Dual Phaser DUAL PHASER Please refer to the following Yamaha website for the latest information on the Add-On Effects Packages: □ About the 01V96 Ed