The default configuration returns the oscilloscope to its default settings. This places the oscilloscope in a known operating condition. The major default settings are: Horizontal main mode, 100 .s/div scale, 0 s delay, center time reference. Vertical (Analog) Channel 1 on, 5 V/div scale, DC coupling, 0 V position, 1 M. impedance, probe factor to 1.0 if an AutoProbe probe is not connected to the channel. Trigger Edge trigger, Auto sweep mode, 0 V level, channel 1 source, DC coupling, rising edge
This will enable this folder as the shared folder. In the example below “PUBLIC” is Share directory. Same procedure applies for the Music and Video folders. On your Xbox 360, go to “Media” tab, select either Music or Pictures and press A button of the Xbox console to continue. Press X button of the Xbox console to change the source and select your network drive. It should show up as storagexxx and display the folder that you have set up earlier on your NAS adapter. Printer Server Inside the shar
Part Number Description E7484-60029 800 MHz for CDMA, iDEN E7484-60027 1800 MHz GSM E7484-60028 1900 MHz for CDMA, GSM E7484-60026 900 MHz GSM All cables are labeled to indicate whether the cable is for voice only or for voice and data. The labels also reflect both part number and Agilent option number. Agilent E6474A User’s Guide System Information Agilent receivers Part Number Description Available Options E6450C PCS CDMA/TDMA receiver, 1.9GHz E6451C GSM receiver, 900 MHz E6452C Cellular CDMA/
Recalls the last command entered from the terminal interface. After recalling a command, it can be edited or re-executed. You can recall from a stack of previously executed commands by repeatedly pressing RCL_PREV. When you reach the bottom of the stack (the last line in the buffer), pressing RCL_PREV does nothing except to cause a beep. Accesses commands in the opposite order to that of RCL_PREV. Pressing RCL_NEXT does nothing until you have pressed RCL_PREV at least twice. Recalls the last SCP
The bit which is set can be determined with the command: STATus:OPERation:CONDition? The data which is returned is the decimal weighted sum of the set bit. Since bit 8 is the only bit used by system instrument, 256 is returned if the bit is set. Bit 8 in the Condition register is cleared with the command: DIAGnostic:INTerrupt:RESPonse? When a condition monitored by the condition register occurs, a corresponding bit in the Operation Status Group Event register is automatically set. In order for t
c3 Memory Offset. 10 data characters which define the base address of the A24 or A32 address space on the device. This value is expressed in hex format (first two characters are # H). c4 Memory Size. 10 data characters which define the size of the A24 or A32 address space in bytes. This value is expressed in hex format (first two characters are # H). c5 Pass/Failed. Up to 5 data characters which define the status of the device; FAIL | IFAIL | PASS | READY. FAIL = failed self-test, IFAIL = config
Front Matter Notice The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Agilent Technologies shall not be liable for any errors contained in this document. Agilent Technologies makes no warranties of any kind with regard to this document, whether express or implied. Agilent Technologies specifically disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Agilent Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incid
No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Agilent Technologies, Inc. as governed by United States and international copyright laws. Manual Part Number N2610-90000 Edition First edition, July 2002 Agilent Technologies, Inc. 90 Central Street Boxborough, MA 01719 USA Warranty The material contained in this docu ment is provided “as is,” and
Multiplexer 34922A Simplified Schematic 34922A D-Sub Connectors 34922T Terminal Block 34923A 40/80-Channel Reed Multiplexer 34923A Simplified Schematic for Two- or Four-Wire Mode 34923A D-Sub Connectors for Two- or Four-Wire Mode 34923T-001 Terminal Block for Two- or Four-Wire Mode 34923A Simplified Schematic for One-Wire Mode 34923A D-Sub Connectors for One-Wire Mode 34923T-002 Terminal Block for One-Wire Mode 34924A 70-Channel Reed Multiplexer 34924A Simplified Schematic 34924A D-Connectors 34
16700 Series Logic Analysis System Product Overview The Agilent Technologies 16700 Series logic analysis systems provide the simplicity and power you need to conquer complex systems by combining state/timing analysis, oscilloscopes, pattern generators, post-processing tool sets, and emulation in one integrated system. Table of Contents System Overview Modular Design page 3 Features and Benefits page 4 Selecting the Right System page 6 Mainframes Display page 7 Back Panel page 8 System Screens pa