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• It is highly recommended to charge the battery before initial use. The battery might have been discharged during storage and delivery. • Do not attempt to disassemble the phone by yourself. Non- expert handling of the devices may damage them. • The phone is non-waterproof, keep it dry and store in shady and cool place. • If you want to clean your phone, please use clean anti- static fabric. Do not use harsh chemical cleaning solvents or strong detergents to clean your phone, such as alcohol, d

М о дем м о ж е т о т ли ч а ться о т рисунка. К ратк ое р ук ов о д с тв о по эксплуатации модема. 1. Гнездо для microSD карты 2. Кнопка сброса RESET 3. Гнездо для SIM-карты 4. USB-коннектор 5. Гнездо для подключения внешней антенны 6. Передняя панель 7. Индикатор 8. Крышка модема ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ: • MicroSD является торговой маркой SD Card Association. • Сле ду е т и с п о ль з ов а т ь ори г и наль ну ю внешнюю антенну в случае необходимости. ZTE CORPORATION NO. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.

End User shall have no right to reject or return the Product, or receive a refund for the Product from ZTE under the above-mentioned situations. • This warranty is End User’s sole remedy and ZTE’s sole liability for defective or nonconforming items, and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed, implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, unless otherwise required under the mandatory provisions of the law.

Note: Do not upgrade software unless necessary. Wrongly upgrade action may cause router malfunction or can not work. 5.10.6 Remote Upgrade After access MODEM setup page successfully, please click Advanced . Remote Upgrade link to access the following screen: Ordinary Operation 63 • Upgrade Mode: Select upgrade mode. FTP or TFTP is available. If select TFTP, you don’t need user authorization. • Server Name: Remote FTP/TFTP server IP address. • Server Port: The port of Remote FTP/TFTP server addre

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