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Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the grinding point periodically (on a daily basis). To do that we must use the grinding re g u l a t o r located on the upper right side of the machine. If we t u rn the regulator forw a rd (clockwise) we will obtain a finer grinding, whereas t u rning it backwards (counterc l o c k w i s e ) will result in a coarser grinding point.(FIG.2) 5 The grinding point is factory adjusted for a medium grinding point. It is therefore necessary to proceed with a p re l

Connect the machine to the mains. Frying procedures Push the ON-OFF switch 2 to turn the machine on. Turn thermostat handle 4 clockwise and adjust it at the desired temperature. Temperature indicator light 3 will be on until the oil reaches the desired temperature. The moment the light is off is when foods may be put in the basket trying not to heap them up, then putting the bag slowly into hot oil. Tank lid 5 must never located on its position during frying. After frying time has finished (see