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Roberts Radio CR9910

Downloads : 58 Arquivo Tamanho: 229 kb    Fabricante : Roberts Radio  
Categoria : Receptores de rádio

Week end cancel indicator 3. MSF signal/Day of week indicators 4. Alarm 1 function switch 5. Waveband selector 6. Tuning control 7. Volume control W eekend C ancel M SF Signal Auto Sum m er Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M on Tue W ed Thu Fri S at 540 150 600 170 200 700 900 230 260 280 1200 1600 kH z kH z M W LW FM 88 92 96 100 106 104 108 M H z 1 2 Volum e Tuning MW LW FM R adio Buzz O ff R adio Buzz O ff 1 2 Tim e Date O n/O ff S leep W eekend C ancel Reverse Forward 1 2 789101112131415 8. Alarm 2 functio

Roberts Radio CR9951

Downloads : 0 Arquivo Tamanho: 360 kb    Fabricante : Roberts Radio  
Categoria : Receptores de rádio

Release the buttons when the correct alarm time is reached. The clock uses display with a PM indicator. Ensure that the correct 12 hour cycle is selected. Checking the alarm time 1. To check alarm time, press and hold down the Alarm Set button/ Off button the display will show the alarm time Setting the alarm 1. Set the alarm time as previously Function switch to the ' Buzz' position. The Alarm indicator will light. The alarm will sound every day minutes. To turn off the alarm until the next day

Roberts Radio CR9923

Downloads : 2 Arquivo Tamanho: 103 kb    Fabricante : Roberts Radio  
Categoria : Receptores de rádio

2. Sleep button. 3. Minute button. 4. Hour button. 5. Time set button. 6. Snooze. TIMESLEEPALARM/ OFFMinuteHourSNOOZE6 Controls (front) 67 8 6. Alarm indicator. 7. PM indicator. 8. Tuning control. 8892MHz 540600kHz CR 9923 2BandClockRadioPMTUNINGFM MW If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on : 020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri) Controls (left and right LowHighOnOffRadioBuzzDIMMER 9 10 9. Function switch. 10. Dimmer switch. 11. Waveband switch. 12. Volume control. 13. Battery co

Roberts Radio CR9901

Downloads : 6 Arquivo Tamanho: 207 kb    Fabricante : Roberts Radio  
Categoria : Receptores de rádio

Function switch 3. Headphone socket 4. Volume control 9. Alarm/Off button 10. Minute button 11. Hour button 12. Time button (Right side) (Top) 1 4 5 6 12 11 5. Waveband selector 6. Tuning control 7. Sleep button 8. Snooze button 3 10 9 8 7 T u n in g F M M W L W V o lu m e C R 9 9 0 1 3 B a n d C lo c k R a d io T im e H o u r M in u te A la rm /O ff S le e p H ig h L o w D im m e r O ff B u z z A u to O n Controls (Front) 15 16 PM 88 540 92 600 96 800 100 1000 104 106 1300 108 1600 M H z kH z F

Roberts Radio CR9961

Downloads : 3 Arquivo Tamanho: 838 kb    Fabricante : Roberts Radio  
Categoria : Receptores de rádio

11 General ............................................................................ 12 Notes .......................................................................... 13-14 Guarantee ........................................................................ 15 Controls 3 1 2 4 5 6(Top) 1. Hour button 4. Time button 2. Minute button 5. Alarm off button 3. Sleep button 6. Snooze button Controls (Left) (Right) 7 8 9 10 11 7. Function switch 10. Volume control 8. Tuning control 11. Back-up batter

Roberts Radio DreamDock

Downloads : 6 Arquivo Tamanho: 1 mb    Fabricante : Roberts Radio  
Categoria : Receptores de rádio

2- 4 Remote handset battery replacement ................................. 5 Using the clock radio for the fi rst time ................................. 6 Switching on your clock radio .............................................. 7 Operating your clock radio................................................... 8 Selecting a station - DAB..................................................... 9 Secondary services - DAB................................................. 10 Display modes - DAB .........

Roberts Radio CR9922

Downloads : 2 Arquivo Tamanho: 323 kb    Fabricante : Roberts Radio  
Categoria : Receptores de rádio

If you do not require the ensure that the Function switch is set to the 'Off' position. Setting the alarms to wake to radio 1. Set the alarm time as previously described. Set the Function switch to the 'Radio' position. Set the Alarm selector switch to the ' 1', ' 2 ' or ' 1+ 2 ' position. The corresponding Alarm indicators will light. Ensure that a station is tuned in and the Volume control is set to the required level. 2. The radio alarm will operate every day at the preset time for 59 minutes

Roberts Radio CRD40

Downloads : 0 Arquivo Tamanho: 2 mb    Fabricante : Roberts Radio  
Categoria : Receptores de rádio

5 Using your clock radio for the first time ............................... 6 Operating your radio - DAB ................................................. 7 Selecting a station - DAB .................................................... 8 Secondary services - DAB .................................................. 8 Display modes - DAB .......................................................... 9 Finding new stations - DAB ...............................................10 Manual tuning - DAB ......

Roberts Radio CRD-42

Downloads : 1 Arquivo Tamanho: 3 mb    Fabricante : Roberts Radio  
Categoria : Receptores de rádio

9-10 Finding new stations - DAB...............................................11 Manual tuning - DAB .........................................................12 Signal strength display - DAB............................................12 Dynamic Range Control (DRC) - DAB ..............................13 Operating your radio - FM auto-tune .................................14 Manual tuning - FM ...........................................................15 Display modes - FM.........................

Roberts Radio CR950

Downloads : 3 Arquivo Tamanho: 166 kb    Fabricante : Roberts Radio  
Categoria : Receptores de rádio
