WHEEL button 2. SELECT button 3. PITCH BEND +/- switches 4. Numeric keys 5. PROGRAM key 6. BANK LSB key 7. BANK MSB key 8. WHEEL key 9. SAVE key 10. CHANNEL key 11. OCTAVE key 12. TRANSPOSE key 13. +/- keys 14. RESET-AC key 15. GM-RESET 16. MIDI OUT Connector For connecting directly to PC sound card game port 17. DC Jack For connecting to AC/DC adapter. DC output 9V-1 2V, 1 50mA, centre positive. 18. POWER switch 2. Power Supply 2-1 DC Power - Batteries (not included) This unit is powered by 6 “
Note: * if you don’t do anything for 3 seconds the LED stops flashing and shows the current PROGRAM CHANGE number. * if the number you input is over 127, it will return to the previous LSB or MSB value. 14. Selecting a VELOCITY CURVE The VELOCITY CURVEs determine the relationship between how hard the keys are struck and the corresponding velocity that the unit transmits. This unit allows you to select from 12 VELOCITY CURVEs. Simultaneously press the CHANNEL and MEMORY switches. The LED starts t
a/Fn-7S5a-FlTi, ^^/^7yFx^yf, iSKftt MIDI Tt^t/^4i^y^7 7y^->3/i-, iS^flttSa-FttSi? ftitc 3yFn-7^ia-F?Ht^?tltt, LCD BffiOSStttf iTV3itc CO«itt, 3yFD-7«g£SfllfcSi«/y^7F£® i ftiSOKiflft. 3/Fd-7^ Si-F?^T^5itt, y7F7x7fO3yFn-7S£*KttHT3yFD-7£l^tCi^f g^tc 3yFc-70|#CioT, y7F7x7Oi®*^lbSCitt^5ii^c COSi^ffiffltSiDJ1i?47yi777/4Siyyy£fi7Ct^f’?itc Mitt’, 7x- ^SSit-O^ya-AtlTffllt^Si^, 3yFa-7§Sa-FlT, SiOft^^Oi yx-AS±T?i, 7fy/y37Fi7'y£fllT^TT?^c :Oi745i’yyyttiTi/7f Sy7T, ^*OS^^-t*St5CttttgS*Ac - 15 - Evolutio
Weak batteries will result in poor performance. When the power is getting weaker, replace the worn out batteries as follows: 1. Remove the battery compartment cover and take out the batteries. 2. Insert new batteries and make sure that the polarity is correct. WARNING: Do not mix old and new batteries Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc) or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries 1-2 AC Power You can also use an AC power adapter (not included) with the following specification : 9-12V DC o
Lisez le mode d’emploi avant d’utiliser cet outil. Vor Benutzung des Werkzuegs bitte bedienungsanleitungen sorgfaltig lesen. Antes de utilizar esta herramienta, lean las instrucciones. Lees instructies alvorens dit hulpmiddel in werking te stellen. BUILD® Operating Instructions Important Please read these operating and safety instructions carefully and completely. For your own safety, before using this equipment check that the voltage is correct and that all handles and parts are firmly secured.
. UC-ззе iT0l?ÜT^Ít)„ aiivü7* Evolution Of^-ÿ-i^ÎÜTi^c MftSv^ д7^§й!»кй^т, UC-ззе « S^Wft# С^^та ГЧШ1 a-^ü^iStec^T^iit шм Ш^-F : Üï-Fia, 7T'/í->3'/í-ífliT^è^7/-^«*^SS/tgtîtTei«cïSffii T^itc ^7^-^«i«tlca, »«^-^ffffliít /B^7Âfi/ÿt^/^fi/ÿ«| ®*ï-F^auc-зз ctaÿç íí¿c îft, lcdHffiTa^HW iÜ^^y-^ÄSiiT^itc tiSAAi, ffl«3/hn-7^i^ti, AÄi^Sf®^7^- ÿ^Ÿ®3/hü-7Tfi*tSCi^TSSi^CÜ^Ît (з #H)c f7i^Fï-F: f7i^Fï-Fia,Ÿ«fii« з #iC77/7^3/i-Sfl Sü^oftSûeRISf it^ítc f7i^Fï-Fta, LCD I®C3/Fc-7«->/Î^i, 2 ^«Med^SS^TViít
MK-425C a 25в) F-y^y^^/MS 2. 3. loe®ÿ?y. if^yfí—Fta. 0~9©ав^—^ьтЯДо 4. + ÿ'Fy/-ÿ^y, 2 ^èTOtcff^t. Xty/->зy^зyyFíÄЖlît, 5. ^yFÿ-O## LCD fVX/W 6. 77У?^зУ^—, Htfltl. y/ayfn-^TtF У //B^ÿA/f—F LSB /f—F MSB /«§ШЖ1©#®1£{гД^5С^йзТ#*^ (a l , 7. Йг®77У?->зУ^ — ё1^йЬ^Т 2 ^Htcffti. ByfB — ÿii—f. ByfB-ÿi VFF. FB—л*—. USB Й>6® MIDI Ж*. ^B-yf^i-/. ID. ^ï^-^y/®#i 1£ЯД^5С^^Т#*^ (a2 , 8. ^FF — 7" +/- ÿÿy, 2 ^HiCffti. ^—FÿyXÿ — Xè^9Ct^'T#t^, 9. MIDI Tt^t7>Ü 40mm XFb—F®7í—F 9 Ÿ 10. MIDI Tt^t7>ÜB—ÿy — 3yfB
Only use one method at one time Soundcard as power source Using the supplied self powered connector cable connect the 5 pin male plug to the Evolution MIDI keyboard and the 15 pin male plug to the MIDI port on your PC soundcard. IMPORTANT – DO NOT USE THIS CABLE TO POWER ANY OTHER EQUIPMENT or AC Power You can also use an AC adapter (not included) with the following specification: 9-12V DC output, 250-300mA, centre positive. or USB Connect to the USB port on your computer. The keyboard is powere