NO.WTEL5kgB/WTEL5kgAquaB DEALER’S NAME : CUSTOMER’S NAME : ADDRESS : PIN CODE : TEL. NO. (Resi.) (Off.) E-MAIL : MOTOR SR. NO. : DATE OF PURCHASE : INSTALL THE MACHINE ONLY IF EARTHING IS PROPER e r s o rD a Cu t me m m he i t na io l m o A war welco e to t n er t na fa ily f B t t gy ba e hing c IF ‘ umble wash’ echnolo s d was ma hine owners. ur s m is tr y i g y Yo wa hing achine, ul go n to be our fr edo n . r s 3 e ou e m machi e It requi es ju t 0 s conds of y r time in lo di g t ic ti m .

found on the nameplate on your oven and retain this information for future reference. SERIAL NO. PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY 1. Do not attempt to operate this oven with the door open since open door operation can result in harmful exposure to microwave energy. It is Important not to defeat or tamper with the safety interlocks. 2. Do not place any object between the oven front face and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing

found on the nameplate on your oven and retain this information for future reference. SERIAL NO. P PPR RRE EEC CCA AAU UUT TTI IIO OON NNS SS T TTO OO A AAV VVO OOI IID DD P PPO OOS SSS SSI IIB BBL LLE EEE EEX XXP PPO OOS SSU UUR RRE EE T TTO OO E EEX XXC CCE EES SSS SSI IIV VVE EE M MMI IIC CCR RRO OOW WWA AAV VVE EEE EEN NNE EER RRG GGY YY 1. Do not attempt to operate this oven with the door open since open door operation can result in harmful exposure to microwave energy. It is important not

Low 9 times 20%(P-20) 10 times 10%(P-10) Low 11 times 0% (P-00) Suppose you want to cook for 5 minute at 60% 8 power level. 1. Press POWER pad a number of times to set power. 2. Press number pads to enter cooking time until the correct cooking time (5:00) Is displayed. 3. Press START pad. NOTE: 1. If you want to temporarily stop a cooking session, press the STOP/RESET pad once and then you can start the cooking again by press START; or press the STOP/RESET twice to cancel the cookin