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1-2-2 Performance Common MFX +——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————+ | Offset | | | Address | Description | |—————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————| | 00 00 | 0aaa aaaa | MFX Type (0 - 127) | | 00 01 | 0aaa aaaa | MFX Dry Send Level (0 - 127) | | 00 02 | 0aaa aaaa | MFX Chorus Send Level (0 - 127) | | 00 03 | 0aaa aaaa | MFX Reverb Send Level (0 - 127) | | 00 04 | 0000 00aa | MFX Output Assign (0 - 3) | | | | A, B,

138) Display Parameter Value Pitch Coarse Tune Coarse tune -48–+48 semitone Fine Tune Fine tune -50–+50 cent Random pitch Depth Random pitch depth 0–1200 cent(*1) Keyfollow Value Pitch keyfollow -200–+200(*2) 1:0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200 2:-200, -190, -180, -170, -160, -150, -140, -130, -120, -110, -100, -90, -80, -70, -60, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +60, +70, +80, +90,

Panel Descriptions Panel Descriptions l A C D E F J G B H I A VOLUME Knob (PHRASE PREVIEW) This adjusts the volume from the A (MIX) OUTPUT jacks and PHONES jacks. The volume from the OUTPUT B, C and D jacks cannot be adjusted. You can press the knob to listen to the XV-5080 without using any external devices. (Phrase Preview function; p. 16) PHONES Jack Headphones are plugged in here. (Quick Start; p. 11) B Display The display presents a variety of information about the operation being performed

Die Parameter sind identisch mit “79: STEREO OVERDRIVE”. Amp 2-Band L in Distortion L out Simulator EQ Amp 2-Band R out R in Distortion Simulator EQ Feedback Delay Delay Chorus/ Flanger Chorus/ Flanger Feedback L out R out Kapitel Chorus/ Flanger 95 Kapitel 4 Die internen Effekte 81: GTR MULTI A (Guitar Multi A) L in Overdrive/ Amp Compressor Distortion Simulator R in L out Chorus/ Pan Delay Flanger R out 82: GTR MULTI B (Guitar Multi B) L in Overdrive/ Amp Compressor Distortion Simulator R in L

GS (Model ID=42H) | | | -50 - +50 | | 00 70 | 0aaa aaaa | WMT3 Wave Pan (0 - 127) | | | | L64 - 63R | | 00 71 | 0000 000a | WMT3 Wave Random Pan Switch (0 - 1) | * System Parameter | | | OFF, ON | | 00 72 | 0000 00aa | WMT3 Wave Alternate Pan Switch (0 - 2) | +——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————+ | | | OFF, ON, REVERSE | | Start | | | 00 73 | 0aaa aaaa | WMT3 Wave Level (0 - 127) | | Address | Description | | 00 74 | 0aaa aaaa | WMT3 Velocity Range Lowe

* Die o.g. Faktoren beziehen sich sowohl auf h usliches Inventar als auch auf Haustiere. A Das ^ Symbol macht auf wichtige Hinweise und Warnungen aufmerksam. Das Zeichen im Dreieck gibt eine genaue Definition der Bedeutung (Beispiel: Das Zeichen links weist auf allgemeine Gefahren hin). CD Das (s) Symbol weist auf Dinge hin, die zu unterlassen sind. Das Symbol im Kreis definiert dieses Verbot n her (Beispiel: Das Zeichen links besagt, dass das Ger t nicht ge ffnet bzw. auseinandergenommen werd
RCV HOLD-1+ (Receive Hold 1 Switch) OFF, ON Sets whether the Part responds to received MIDI Hold 1 messages (ON) or not (OFF). PHASE LOCK+ (Phase Lock Switch) OFF, ON This setting activates (ON) or de-activates (OFF) synchronization of the timing of Parts that share a common MIDI channel. * When Part sounds are layered on top of each other as a result of sharing a MIDI channel, there may be a discrepancy in their timing. The Phase Lock feature can synchronize the sounds so that they start precis