17 GUIDE FABRIC THREAD NEEDLE Length ofstitches Indicaof Pressure of tension \ Fabric Thread Needle presser foot ST. ZZ. Pressure Stitch length \ \ regulation a \o It Nylon 80 Cotton Light Tricot 605. Fibe 11 0.5-3 0.5-3 \\\ Silk 50 silk 50S.Fibe Wool silk Silk 11 Medium 60-80 Gingham Cotton 0.5-4 0.5—4 or E1hinJerse6QSFibe 5 14 Gabardine 50 Silk Heavy Denim 50 cotton 14 1—4 0.5—5 ‘\\ Jersey 50 S. Fibei 14 Tweed 50 Silk 14 As a general rule use shorter stitch lengths on finer fabrics and longer