por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
TNS interpreted mode
TNS interpreted mode. A TNS emulation environment on a TNS/E system in which
individual TNS instructions in a TNS object file are directly executed by interpretation
rather than permanently translated Intel® Itanium® instructions. TNS interpreted mode
runs slower than TNS accelerated mode. Each TNS instruction is decoded each time it
is executed, and no optimizations between TNS instructions are possible. TNS
interpreted mode is used when a TNS object file has not been accelerated for that
hardware system, and it is also sometimes used for brief periods within accelerated
object files. Accelerated or interpreted TNS object code cannot be mixed with or called
by native mode object code. See also TNS Object Code Interpreter (OCI). Contrast
with TNS accelerated mode and TNS/E native mode.
TNS library. A single, optional, TNS-compiled loadfile associated with one or more
application loadfiles. If a user library has its own global or static variables, it is called a
TNS shared run-time library (TNS SRL). Otherwise it is called a User Library (UL).
TNS mode. The operational environment in which TNS instructions execute by inline
interpretation. See also accelerated mode.
TNS object code. The TNS instructions that result from processing program source code
with a TNS compiler. TNS object code executes on TNS, TNS/R, and TNS/E systems.
TNS Object Code Accelerator (OCA). A program optimization tool that processes a TNS
object file and produces an accelerated file for a TNS/E system. OCA augments a TNS
object file with equivalent Intel® Itanium® instructions. TNS object code that is
accelerated runs faster on TNS/E systems than TNS object code that is not
accelerated. See also Accelerator and TNS Object Code Interpreter (OCI).
TNS Object Code Interpreter (OCI). A program that processes a TNS object file and
emulates TNS instructions on a TNS/E system without preprocessing the object file.
See also TNS Object Code Accelerator (OCA).
TNS object file. An object file created by a TNS compiler or the Binder. A TNS object file
contains TNS instructions. TNS object files can be processed by the Accelerator or by
the TNS Object Code Accelerator (OCA) to produce to produce accelerated object
files. A TNS object file can be run on TNS, TNS/R, and TNS/E systems.
TNS procedure label. A 16-bit identifier for an internal or external procedure used by the
TNS object code of a TNS process. The most-significant 7 bits are a TNS code
segment identifier: 2 bits for the TNS code space and 5 bits for the TNS code segment
index. The least-significant 9 bits are an index into the target segment's procedure
entry-point (PEP) table. On a TNS/E system, all shells for calling native library
procedures are segregated within the system code space. When the TNS code space
bits of a TNS procedure label are %B10, the remaining 14 bits are an index into the
system's shell map table, not a segment index and PEP index.
TNS process. A process whose main program object file is a TNS object file, compiled
using a TNS compiler. A TNS process executes in interpreted or accelerated mode
while within itself, when calling a user library, or when calling into TNS system libraries.
EPTRACE Manual— 528811-002
Glossary -15
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