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Document Outline
- HP NonStop SQL/MX Installation and Management Guide
- Legal Notices
- Contents
- What's New in This Manual
- Manual Information
- New and Changed Information
- About This Manual
- 1 Introduction to SQL/MX Database Management
- 2 Preparing to Install NonStop SQL/MX
- 3 Installing NonStop SQL/MX
- Summary of Installation Tasks
- Preinstallation Tasks
- Installing NonStop SQL/MX
- Verifying the SQL/MX Installation
- Post-Installation Tasks
- Reviewing and Setting System Defaults
- Starting MXCI
- Installing Visual Query Planner
- Installing the SQL/MX Online Help
- Installing the Windows-Hosted SQL/MX C and C++ Preprocessor
- Installing the Windows-Hosted SQL/MX COBOL Preprocessor
- Relinking the SQL/MX UDR Server
- Using Import Catalog Tools
- Using Module Management Tools
- Using the InstallSqlmx Script
- 4 Understanding and Planning SQL/MX Tables
- 5 Planning Database Security and Recovery
- Planning Database Security
- Planning Database Recovery
- Using TMF for Transaction Recovery, Database Consistency, and Database Recovery
- Using RDF to Set Up a Backup System
- Using Backup and Restore 2 for SQL/MX Database Recovery
- Frequency of Backups
- Backup Objects Hierarchy
- SQL/MX Objects That Are Backed Up Explicitly
- SQL/MX Objects That Are Backed Up Implicitly
- SQL/MX Objects That Are Not Restored by BRCOM
- Other Restrictions on Backup and Restore 2 Operations
- Backing Up and Restoring OSS Program Files and SPJs
- Using the RESTORE SHOWDDL ON Option to Re-Create Objects
- Rollback of DP2 Large Block
- Fixup of Tables with Referential Integrity Constraints
- 6 Reviewing and Setting System Defaults
- 7 Creating an SQL/MX Database
- Accessing an SQL/MP Database From NonStop SQL/MX
- Preparing to Create Your SQL/MX Database
- SQL/MX Subvolume and File Naming Guidelines
- Creating SQL/MX Metadata
- Creating Catalogs
- Creating Schemas
- Access Privileges for SQL/MX Database Objects
- Creating SQL/MX Tables
- Creating Indexes for SQL/MX Tables
- Creating Constraints on SQL/MX Tables
- Creating Views of SQL/MX Tables
- Creating Triggers
- Creating Stored Procedures in Java
- Database Design Guidelines for Improving OLTP Performance
- 8 Querying SQL/MX Metadata
- Commands for Displaying Information
- SQL/MX Metadata Tables
- Understanding ANSI External and Internal Names
- Displaying System Schema Information
- Displaying Catalog Information
- Displaying Schema Information
- Displaying Table Information
- Displaying Information About Views
- Displaying Information About SQL/MP Aliases
- Displaying Information About SPJs
- Displaying Index Information
- Displaying Partition Information
- Displaying Constraint Information
- Displaying Column Information
- Displaying All Columns in a Table
- Displaying All Columns in a View
- Displaying All Columns in an Index
- Displaying All Columns in a Primary Key or Unique Constraint
- Displaying All Columns in a NOT NULL Constraint
- Displaying All Columns in a Referential Integrity Constraint
- Displaying the Attributes of a Column
- Displaying All Tables Containing a Selected Column
- Displaying Information About Privileges
- Displaying Object Integrity and Consistency
- Displaying Version Numbers
- 9 Adding, Altering, and Dropping SQL/MX Database Objects
- Planning Operations on SQL/MX Objects
- Adding Objects to an SQL/MX Database
- Authorization Requirements for Adding Database Objects
- Adding Catalogs
- Adding Columns to an SQL/MX Table
- Adding Constraints
- Adding Indexes to SQL/MX Tables
- Adding Partitions to SQL/MX Tables and Indexes
- Adding Schemas
- Adding SQL/MP Aliases
- Adding Stored Procedures in Java (SPJs)
- Adding SQL/MX Tables
- Adding Triggers
- Adding Views
- Altering Objects in an SQL/MX Database
- Dropping Objects From an SQL/MX Database
- Authorization Requirements for Dropping Database Objects
- Dropping Catalogs
- Dropping Columns from an SQL/MX Table
- Dropping Constraints
- Dropping SQL/MX Indexes
- Dropping Partitions for SQL/MX Tables and Indexes
- Dropping Schemas
- Dropping SQL/MP Aliases
- Dropping SPJs
- Dropping SQL/MX Tables
- Dropping Triggers
- Dropping Views
- 10 Reorganizing SQL/MX Tables and Maintaining Data
- Purging Dropped Tables From the DDL Directory
- Using FUP RELOAD to Reorganize Tables
- DDL Lock Considerations for MODIFY, import, POPULATE INDEX, DUP, FASTCOPY, and PURGEDATA
- Using MODIFY to Manage Table and Index Partitions
- MODIFY and EMS Messages
- Online and Offline Partition Management
- MODIFY and Table Reloading
- Recovering a Failed MODIFY Request and Resetting Flags
- Using MODIFY to Manage Range-Partitioned Tables and Indexes
- Using MODIFY to Manage Hash-Partitioned Tables and Indexes
- Managing System-Clustered Tables and Indexes
- Using import to Load SQL/MX Tables
- Using DUP to Copy Tables Into Tables
- Using FASTCOPY to Copy Tables into Tables
- Using PURGEDATA to Delete Data From Tables
- 11 Managing Database Applications
- Writing SQL/MX Applications to Recover From Temporary Network or Hardware Service Interruptions
- Moving Programs From Development to Production
- Distributing Programs Across Nodes
- Ensuring Proper Name Resolution
- Assigning Permissions for Running Database Applications
- Maintaining Query Execution Plan Validity
- Managing Modules
- Producing Locally Placed Modules or Globally Placed Modules
- Securing User Modules
- Checking Module Dependencies with DISPLAY USE OF
- Grouping Applications and Modules to Run Multiple DISPLAY USE OF Operations
- Removing Modules
- Converting Globally Placed Modules to Locally Placed Modules
- Managing Module Files and Their Applications During Fallback From SQL/MX Release 2.x
- Backing Up and Restoring Programs
- 12 Performing Recovery Operations
- 13 Managing an SQL/MX Distributed Database
- Managing a Locally Distributed SQL/MX Database
- Managing a Network-Distributed SQL/MX Database
- Creating a Distributed SQL/MX Database
- Altering Distributed Objects
- Dropping Distributed Objects
- Enhancing the Performance of a Distributed Database
- Changing Network Environments
- Managing Mixed Versions of NonStop SQL/MX
- 14 Measuring Performance
- 15 Enhancing SQL/MX Database Performance
- Using Queries in an SQL/MX Database
- Understanding the Implications of Concurrency
- Keeping Statistics Current
- Creating More Accurate Histogram Tables With UPDATE STATISTICS
- Managing SQL/MX Buffer Space
- How DP2 Manages and Reuses Query Plan Fragments
- Causes and Symptoms of Query Plan Fragment Reuse Failures
- Reduction of Plan Fragment Size for Unique Queries
- Using SCF STATS DISK to Monitor SQL/MX Statistics and Reuse Failures
- Using SCF ALTER DISK to Resize the SQLMXBUFFER Attribute
- Strategies for Reducing Reuse Failures
- Managing DP2 Data Cache Memory Size
- Maximizing Disk Process Prefetch Capabilities
- Optimizing SQL/MX Memory Management
- Optimizing Index Use
- Performing FUP RELOADs to Generate More Accurate Query Plans
- Checking Data Integrity
- Creating Logical Views of Data
- Adding and Dropping Partitions
- Avoiding Automatic Recompilations
- Matching Block Split Operation to Table Usage
- A Using Guardian Names with TMF, RDF, and Measure
- Index
- Content Feedback